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8C Consent 2010 0920
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2010 0920
8C Consent 2010 0920
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9/27/2010 9:40:39 AM
Creation date
9/16/2010 5:16:35 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Reso 2010-117
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(c) Within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the grievance, the ADA Coordinator, the <br /> Section 504 Coordinator or his /her designee will schedule a meeting or telephone <br /> interview with the complainant to discuss the grievance and possible resolutions. <br /> (d) After an investigation and review, the ADA Coordinator or Section 504 Coordinator will <br /> respond in writing, and where appropriate in a format accessible to the complainant. The <br /> response will explain his/her position on the issue and offer options for substantive <br /> resolution of the grievance. <br /> (e) If the response by the ADA Coordinator or Section 504 Coordinator does not <br /> satisfactorily resolve the issue, the complainant and /or his/her designee may appeal the <br /> decision to the City Manager within fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the <br /> response. <br /> (I) After receiving the appeal, the City Manager or his /her designee will review the appeal <br /> and the ADA Coordinator's or Section 504 Coordinator's finding. Within a reasonable <br /> period, after a review, the City Manager or his designee will respond in writing, and <br /> where appropriate in a format that is accessible to the complainant, with a final resolution <br /> to the grievance. <br /> (g) Grievance files shall be maintained for a period three (3) years from the date the <br /> grievance was received by the City. <br /> ARTICLE 3—REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION POLICY FOR ZONING AND LAND <br /> USE <br /> $2.5.300: REASONABLE ACCOMMODATION POLICY - ZONING AND LAND USE. <br /> This Article provides a procedure to request reasonable accommodation for persons with <br /> disabilities seeking equal access to housing under the Federal Fair Housing Act and the <br /> California Fair Employment and Housing Act (the Acts) in the application of zoning laws and <br /> other land use regulations, policies and procedures. <br /> $2.5.305: APPLICABILITY. A request for reasonable accommodation may be made by <br /> any person with a disability, his /her representative or any entity. when the application of a <br /> zoning law or other land use regulation, policy or practice acts as a barrier to fair housing <br /> opportunities. A person with a disability is a person who has a physical or mental impairment <br /> that limits or substantially limits one or more major life activities, anyone who is regarded as <br /> having such impairment or anyone who has a record of such impairment. This Article is intended <br /> to apply to those persons who are defined as disabled under the Acts. <br /> A request for reasonable accommodation may include a modification or exception to the rules, <br /> standards and practices for she siting, development and use of housing or housing - related <br /> facilities that would eliminate regulatory barriers and provide a person with a disability equal <br /> opportunity to housing of his /her choice. Requests for reasonable accommodation shall be made <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2010- 4 <br />
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