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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2010- <br /> RESOLUTION APPROVING A PROJECT OPERATING AGREEMENT WITH THE EAST <br /> BAY REGIONAL COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEM AUTHORITY AND AUTHORIZING THE <br /> EXECUTION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF SAME <br /> WHEREAS, the City of San Leandro is a member of the East Bay Regional <br /> Communications System Authority ( EBRCSA), a joint powers authority organized and existing <br /> under the laws of the State of California pursuant to a Joint Exercise of Powers Agreement dated as <br /> of September 11, 2007; and <br /> WHEREAS, the EBRCSA is authorized to acquire, plan, design, finance, construct, <br /> operate, and maintain a P -25 compliant communications system serving Alameda and Contra <br /> Costa counties and individual political jurisdictions therein (Project), including the City of San <br /> Leandro; and <br /> WHEREAS, the EBRCSA intends to issue Revenue Bonds (Bonds) for the purpose of <br /> financing the acquisition, construction, and operation of the Project, and will own and operate the <br /> Project for the benefit of its members and subscribers; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Bonds are to be secured by a pledge of and first lien on annual payments <br /> by each member and subscriber for the service provided by the Project, to pay the principal of and <br /> interest on the Bonds; and <br /> WI- IEREAS, the Operating Agreement attached hereto sets forth the terms and conditions <br /> of Service Payments and Operating Payments by the City of San Leandro for the EBRCSA's <br /> acquisition, construction, and operation of the Project for the benefit of its members and <br /> subscribers, including the City of San Leandro; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Operating Agreement is intended to establish a means of providing <br /> Revenues for the Project, and is not itself an approval of the Project; and <br /> WHEREAS, execution of the Operating Agreement is in the best interest of the City of San <br /> Leandro. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City Council of the City of San <br /> Leandro hereby: (1) approves the Operating Agreement in the form attached hereto; (2) authorizes <br /> the City Manager to execute the Operating Agreement; and (3) authorizes the City Manager to <br /> execute such further documents and take such further actions as may be necessary and appropriate <br /> to implement the intent of this Resolution and which do not materially or substantially increase the <br /> City of San Leandro's obligations thereunder. <br /> Introduced by Councilmember and passed and adopted this <br /> 20 day of September, 2010, by the following called vote: <br />