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Agmt 2001 Alameda County etc (2)
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2001 Alameda County etc (2)
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9/20/2010 5:02:10 PM
Creation date
9/20/2010 4:58:14 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2001-132
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2001
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. <br /> Memorandum of Understanding for <br /> 1 -880 Corridor Management Plan Page 2 <br /> Responsibilities <br /> 1 -880 Steering Committee (ISC): The Steering Committee consists of elected representatives of the <br /> cities and counties along the corridor and representatives of AC Transit, MTC, and Caltrans. The <br /> Policy Advisory Committee is responsible for formulating the policy and institutional issues <br /> pertaining to the 1 -880 Corridor, including the parallel arterials and connecting streets, and <br /> specifically to approve transportation projects and to update the members' governing boards on the <br /> status and issues of the project. The Steering Committee will also provide direction to SMART <br /> Corridor Technical Advisory Committee and 1 -880 Working Group. The Steering Committee will <br /> meet on an as- needed basis to fulfill their responsibilities. <br /> SMART Corridor Technical Advisory Committee (STAG) and the 1 -880 Technical Working Group <br /> (ITWG): The STAC and ITWG consist of staff members of the agencies listed above. The TAC <br /> and TWG will be responsible for providing advice on the design, implementation, and operation of <br /> the transportation facilities along the 1 -880 corridor and the associated arterials. It is the <br /> responsibility of each agency represented on the STAC and ITWG to ensure that the appropriate <br /> staff persons who can address the specific issues on the agenda attend the STAC and ITWG <br /> meetings. Issues that are not resolved may be referred to the Policy Advisory Committee. The <br /> STAC and TWG will meet on an as- needed basis to fulfill their responsibilities. <br /> Cities, Alameda County, and Caltrans: The participating agencies that operate and manage traffic <br /> systems have the following responsibilities: <br /> 1. Design and engineering review; <br /> 2. Operations and maintenance of traffic systems within the agency's own jurisdiction; <br /> 3. Review of timing plans and participation in timing plan development; <br /> 4. Construction management (when applicable); <br /> 5. Cooperate with all participating agencies to develop traffic operations strategies to efficiently <br /> move traffic in the corridor; <br /> 6. Implementing timing plans and periodically reviewing changes when updates are made; <br /> 7. Sharing the use of interconnect cable and communications equipment with nearby jurisdictions <br /> to provide cost - effective signal system communications; <br /> 8. Notify nearby jurisdictions when service interruptions occur that could affect system <br /> operations; and <br /> 9. Responding to emergency traffic conditions, <br /> CMA: The CMA will have the following responsibilities: <br /> 1. County -wide planning; <br /> 2. Pursuing funding for future phases; <br /> 3. Grant management; <br /> 4. Partnership agreement development; <br /> 5. Developing necessary agreements; <br /> 6. Pursuing funding to manage the program; <br /> 7. Managing the delivery of capital project elements of the program; <br /> 8. Overall design, engineering, contract management; <br /> MOU - Final <br /> July 16, 2001 <br />
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