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♦ Mission Bell Apartments Rehabilitation and Refinancing <br />In June 2009 the City of San Leandro obligated $400,000 HOME loan to Allied Housing, Inc. <br />for the rehabilitation and refinancing of the affordable rental property Mission Bell Apartments. <br />Mission Bell is a mixed-use building consisting of twenty-five (25) affordable rental units (16 <br />studios and 9 one -bedrooms) and six (6) ground floor commercial units. The $400,000 HOME <br />loan extends the 55 -year affordability period for an additional three (3) years from 2061 to 2064 <br />and results in deepened affordability restrictions at Mission Bell. Allied Housing, Inc. will <br />undertake rehabilitation work, which includes plumbing work, installing solar panels, unit <br />renovations, and painting of the exterior, and refinancing of its existing primary loan. <br />Rehabilitation and refinancing activities will commence and be completed in FY 2010-2011. <br />♦ Housing Rehabilitation Program <br />The Housing Rehabilitation Program provides low-interest rebilitation loans of up to $35,000 <br />for single-family homes. This program provided two 2) loans funded solely with <br />Redevelopment Housing Set Aside Funds in FY 2009-2010. Both loans were for extremely low- <br />income senior households. <br />The Housing Rehabilitation Program, which also offers six (6) types of grant programs for minor <br />home repairs, provided twenty-four (24) grants solely from Redevelopment Housing Set Aside <br />Funds, for lower-income homeowners- FY 2009-2010. Of these twenty-four (24) grants, <br />thirteen (13) were for extremely low -i while eleven (11) were for very low-income. <br />Seventeen (17) grants were for seniors. kdown for the _types of grants, including <br />combination grants, is as follows: --r <br />• 10 Minor home repair IF <br />• 8 Mobile home repair <br />• 1 Minor home repair/accessibility <br />• 2 Minor home repair/paint <br />• 1 Mobile home repair/paint <br />• 1 Mobile home repair/accessibility <br />• 1 Exterior Paint <br />♦ Section 8 Program <br />The City supports the maintenance of the Housing Authority of Alameda County's (HACA) <br />program for Section 8 rental assistance vouchers and certificates that can be used by San <br />Leandro residents. HACA provided 1,310 Section 8 vouchers and nineteen (19) Shelter Plus <br />certificates in FY 2009-2010. The number of Section 8 vouchers that were provided increased <br />by twenty-two (22) vouchers from last year's count of 1,288. <br />Priority # 3. Assist low- and moderate -income first-time homebuyers. <br />A& Atiec <br />♦ Mortgage Credit Certificate Program <br />The City participates in the Alameda County Mortgage Credit Certificate (MCC) Program and <br />provides pro -rated administrative funding for the program. From July 1, 2009 through June 30, <br />DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY 2009-2010 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 5 <br />