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Reso 2010-116
City Clerk
City Council
Reso 2010-116
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9/27/2010 9:24:00 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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3B Public Hearing 2010 0920
\City Clerk\City Council\Agenda Packets\2010\Packet 2010 0920
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disability, four (4) involved familial status (children in the family), one (1) involved <br />source of income, and one (1) involved national origin. Below were the outcomes: <br />■ Three (3) cases are pending; <br />■ One (1) clients dropped his/her complaints; <br />■ Nine (9) cases have insufficient evidence; and <br />■ Two (2) cases were conciliated by ECHO. <br />• ECHO's fair housing counselors conducted seventeen (17) fair housing training sessions: <br />■ Four (4) sessions for 195 landlords and property managers; <br />■ One (1) Fair Housing Seminar for fourteen (14) persons; <br />■ Two (2) sessions for twenty-two (22) tenants or potential homebuyers; and <br />■ Ten (10) general presentations for 198 persons. ; <br />*r A4 , **1h, <br />• ECHO raised awareness in the community about fair housing through forty-eight (48) <br />public service announcements [sent to 48 radio and television stations] and distribution of <br />1,834 educational fliers to the public libraries in Alameda County, non-profit agencies, <br />community centers, and local festivals and fairs. <br />• In celebration of April Fair Housing Month, ECHO participated in the annual Rental <br />Housing Owners Association (RHO) Management Fair Housing Training which provided <br />training and education to eleven (11) landlords on fair housing law and equal access in <br />housing. Additionally, ECHO received a Fair Housing Proclamation from the City of <br />San Leandro in recognition of Fair Housing Month. ECHO also participated in a fair <br />housing seminar held for stakeholders, including members of the housing industry and <br />service providers. <br />• ECHO conducts random and targeted audits to gauge the level of discrimination in the <br />rental housing market. These are paired audits that are designed to measure the level of <br />discrimination based on source of income. ECHO tested a total of eighty-six (86) rental <br />l„properties, fifteen (15) of which are located in San Leandro. The fair housing staff <br />produced the analyzed data in an audit report published in September 2010. <br />Priority # 5. Maintain and improve the current capacity of the housing and <br />shelter system, expanding transitional and permanent supportive housing, and <br />providing services to homeless individuals and families, including integrated <br />health care, employment services and other supportive services. <br />Activities: <br />♦ Building Futures with Women and Children (BFWC) - San Leandro Shelter <br />The City funded BFWC with CDBG funds to provide supportive services to homeless families at <br />its emergency shelter, known as the San Leandro Shelter. BFWC provided emergency shelter <br />and support services, which included 10,638 bed nights, for 239 San Leandro homeless women <br />and children (160 women and 79 children) in crisis. One hundred and forty-three (143) of these <br />women received one-on-one case management support services. Sixty-three (63) of the eighty - <br />DRAFT Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report: FY 2009-2010 <br />City of San Leandro <br />Page 7 <br />
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