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ShorelineMarina Highlights 2010 0913
City Clerk
City Council
Shoreline-Marina Committee
ShorelineMarina Highlights 2010 0913
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Last modified
9/30/2010 4:07:35 PM
Creation date
9/30/2010 4:07:34 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Committee Highlights
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_CC Agenda 2010 1004
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2. Discussion Regarding Harbor Basin Alternative Study <br /> Facilities and Open Space Manager Pollan gave a presentation which provided an update on the <br /> Harbor Basin Alternatives Study (see attached powerpoint slides). <br /> City staff along with Cal -Coast and the Chair of the Shoreline CAC interviewed Environmental <br /> Sciences Associates and their team and made minor modifications to the scope of the study. The <br /> cost of the study was also reduced from their original proposal of $94,000 to $70,000. City staff <br /> will perform much of the public outreach. One half of the cost of the study will be paid by Cal - <br /> Coast and the other half would come from the City's Shoreline Enterprise Fund (not the City's <br /> General Fund) which budgeted for this expenditure this fiscal year. The Consultant Services <br /> Agreement will be brought to the City Council at their October 4, 2010 meeting and the final <br /> report is scheduled to be completed in February 2011. <br /> The Committee asked that the Audubon Society, Sierra Club and other environmental groups be <br /> contacted to ask their input on the Dredge Material Maintenance Site (DMMS) portion of the <br /> study. If the DMMS can be restored without having to haul away the existing dredged material the <br /> cost savings would be approximately 53 million. Council member Prola, however, stated that <br /> input from the Sea Scouts leader was that the City should not be swift in disposing the DMMS <br /> since small dredging projects in the future would still require a disposal site. <br /> 3. Public Comments <br /> Bob Leigh, Shoreline CAC member, stated that the information on the City's website related to <br /> the shoreline and marina meetings does a good job in providing all of the information of the <br /> public review process to date. <br /> Peggy Combs, Vice Chair of the Shoreline CAC, stated that the CAC meetings have been <br /> conducted as a transparent and all - inclusive process where the public has been encouraged to <br /> attend and be involved. She commended the group in their time and effort devoted to the process. <br /> Carol Kennedy, Broadmoor Homeowners Association, spoke in favor of the public process for <br /> the future of the shoreline. She recommended the use of maps and exhibits to accompany reports <br /> or verbal presentations to make it easier for the public to understand any proposed plans. <br /> Gerd Marggraff, Mulford Garden area resident, also recommended the use of maps which would <br /> clearly show that the proposed future development would be on what are predominantly paved <br /> parking lots and not green park areas. He stated that he has conducted his own informal survey <br /> from residents and shoreline users. There is a wide mixture of opinions for new development or <br /> keeping the shoreline area the same. It appears the minority opinion is to prevent the <br /> shoreline /marina area from new development. <br /> 4. Committee Member Comments <br /> Council member Prola, stated that Jeff Houston, Sierra Club member and Shoreline CAC <br /> member, plans to attend a future Mulford Gardens Improvement Association meeting to provide <br /> the homeowners association information regarding the CAC's process to date <br /> 5. Adjourn - The meeting adjourned at 10:15 a.m. <br />
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