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CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> STAFF REPORT APPROVED AND <br /> FORWARDED <br /> TO CITY COUNCIL IL�/ <br /> DATE: October 4, 2010 <br /> Stephen L. Hollister <br /> TO: Stephen L. Hollister, City M ger City Manager <br /> FROM: Uchenna Udemezue, Director <br /> Engineering and Transports epart <br /> BY: Keith Cooke, Principal Engi eer %► 06. <br /> Engineering and Transports on Dep m•nt <br /> SUBJECT PROJECT /PROJECT DESCRIPTION: <br /> RESOLUTION OF AWARD OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT TO THE CHRISP <br /> COMPANY FOR THE EAST 14 STREET STRIPING AND PEDESTRIAN <br /> IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 09- 120 -38 -244. <br /> SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION <br /> This project provides for new roadway striping along East 14 Street between Hays Street and <br /> West Broadmoor Boulevard. The project also includes the construction of a semi roundabout at <br /> the intersection of San Leandro Boulevard and West Broadmoor Boulevard. <br /> Staff recommends award of the construction contract to the Chrisp Company in the amount <br /> $118,255.00 for the subject project. <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> In late 1996 East 14 Street between Broadmoor Boulevard and Hays Street was re- configured <br /> from four lanes to two, with a median between the two travel lanes. Based on community <br /> feedback on the initial changes, the median was again changed in 1999 to accommodate a center <br /> turn lane and a wider shoulder next to the existing on- street parking. <br /> Continuing concerns about traffic, pedestrian safety, and increased congestion prompted the City <br /> to re- evaluate traffic in the area to determine if additional changes to the configuration of East <br /> 14 Street are required. The City hired a traffic consulting firm to analyze past traffic data and to <br /> project future traffic that would result from potential alternatives. A Community Task Force was <br /> also formed that reviewed the alternatives and provided additional comments and feedback that <br /> were included in the alternatives. Based on the consultant's and Community Task Force <br /> recommendations, an alternative was chosen by the Planning Commission after numerous public <br /> meetings and continued resident input. The resulting project will address the community goals of <br /> improving northbound traffic flow and providing better access from side streets. <br />