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(1) Supports shall be of noncombustible construction. <br /> (2) Supports and walls shall not obstruct more than 25 percent of the <br /> perimeter of the storage area. <br /> (3) The distance to buildings, property lines, streets, alleys, public ways or <br /> exits to a public way shall not be less than the distance required for an <br /> exterior hazardous material storage area without weather protection. <br /> Section 7 -5 -150: SIDEWALK ARCADES IN REDEVELOPMENT AREA. In an <br /> established Redevelopment Project Area, the Redevelopment Agency may approve the <br /> installation of sidewalk arcades on public property. Except for vertical columns, such arcades <br /> shall be not less than eight feet (8') above the pavement below. <br /> Section 7 -5 -155: NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION Section 414.6.1.3 of the <br /> Code is added to read as follows: <br /> 414.6.1.3 Noncombustible construction. The overhead structure shall be of approved <br /> noncombustible construction with a maximum area of 3,000 square feet (140tn <br /> 2. The aforesaid local amendment is reasonably necessary in order to lessen the <br /> threat to life, safety and property represented by certain local climatic, geographical and <br /> topographical conditions existing in the City of San Leandro. <br /> 3. The aforesaid local amendment is enacted pursuant to the authority of Section <br /> 17958.5 of the California Health and Safety Code, for the purpose of addressing the aforesaid <br /> conditions which are more specifically described as follows: <br /> (a) The City of San Leandro lies in the near vicinity of the Hayward Fault and <br /> in fact. a substantial portion of the residential area of the City lies within <br /> the Alquist - Priolo Act Special Studies Zone, requiring special geologic <br /> studies prior to development. <br /> (b) Recent earthquake activities, including the 1989 Loma Prieta and the 1994 <br /> Northridge earthquakes, have indicated the lack of adequate design and <br /> detailing as a contributing factor to damages that reduced the protection of <br /> the life- safety of building occupants. <br /> (c) The underlying soils are subject to liquefaction and amplification of <br /> seismic energy. This increases the likelihood of seismic disturbances of <br /> substantial magnitude occurring and causing consequent damage. Such <br /> damage is often accompanied by structural tire. The City contains a large <br /> percentage of existing structures constructed more than forty years ago. <br /> (d) The travel time to a fire or other emergency within San Leandro may be <br /> impeded by the following conditions: <br /> (1) Three major railway lines, the elevated BART line, three major <br />