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IN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2010 - <br /> RESOLUTION OFFERING A $10.000 REWARD <br /> FOR THE APPREHENSION OF THE INDIVIDUAL(S) <br /> INVOLVED IN THE DOUBLE HOMICIDE AT <br /> MONARCH BAY GOLF COURSE <br /> WHEREAS, in a civilized society there is little that offends common decency more than the <br /> blatant act of murder. Just such an act was perpetrated on the evening of October 9, 2010 when two <br /> individuals were killed at the Wedges Grill at Monarch Bay Golf Course. <br /> WHEREAS a City is authorized by Government Code 53069.5 to offer and pay a reward <br /> for information leading to the determination of the identity of, and the apprehension o£ any person <br /> whose willful misconduct results in injury or death to any person or who willfully damages or <br /> destroys any property. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as <br /> follows: <br /> The City Council of the City of San Leandro and the City of San Leandro hereby offer to <br /> pay a reward in the amount of 510,000 to any person(s) who provides information leading to the <br /> determination of the identity of, and the apprehension of any person(s) whose willful misconduct <br /> resulted in the double homicide of October 9, 2010. The reward will be paid upon verification that <br /> a factual report was made to law enforcement officials prior to an arrest, which leads to a <br /> conviction. The Police Chief shall determine the right to receive the award, based on the foregoing. <br /> Introduced by Councilntember and passed and adopted this I <br /> day of November, 2010 by the following called vote: <br />