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Medical Marijuana Dispensaries 2 November 15, 2010 <br />• In order to address both community and statewide concerns regarding the establishment <br />of medical marijuana dispensaries, marijuana cultivation facilities, or other land uses <br />deemed legal if a proposition to legalize marijuana is approved, it is necessary for the <br />City of San Leandro to study the potential impact such facilities may have on the public <br />health, safety, and welfare. <br />• Pursuant to Government Code section 65858, the adoption of an interim ordinance on an <br />urgency basis has an effective period of 45 days. Prior to expiration of this time period, <br />the City Council may extend the interim ordinance (by four -fifths vote) for a period <br />beyond 45 days through a noticed public hearing. <br />The City Council may extend the interim ordinance for a maximum period of 22 months <br />and 15 days. This would give a date of September 30, 2012 for expiration of the <br />ordinance. Another option is to extend the interim ordinance for 10 months and 15 days, <br />with the option of an additional one year renewal by subsequent City Council action. <br />Depending on City Council direction, staff anticipates the work necessary to amend the <br />Zoning Code can be completed within 3 -12 months based upon the level of regulation <br />that Council desires staff to research and implement. <br />To provide the City Council with the most comprehensive regulatory and fiscal options to review <br />and assess, staff recommends that the City Council extend the interim urgency ordinance to <br />September 30, 2012, or until Zoning Code amendments are adopted, whichever comes first. This <br />would continue the moratorium on the approval of any planning approvals, building permits, or <br />other entitlements that are necessary for establishment of any new medical marijuana <br />dispensaries, marijuana cultivation facilities or other land uses. <br />BACKGROUND <br />• In 1996 California voters approved Proposition 215, codified as Health and Safety Code <br />Section 11362.5 et. seq., entitled "The Compassionate Use Act of 1996." The intent of <br />Proposition 215 was to enable persons in need of medical marijuana for specified medical <br />purposes to obtain medical marijuana, and use it under limited, specified circumstances. <br />• The Legislature enacted SB 420 to clarify the scope of the Compassionate Use Act of <br />1996. <br />• Cities throughout California either prohibit medical marijuana dispensaries, marijuana <br />cultivation facilities and other related activities, have a moratorium banning them, or <br />allow them under certain conditions or through certain processes. <br />• Since the adoption of the interim urgency ordinance, Planning staff has been consulting <br />and working with other City departments, including the Police Department, the Finance <br />Department, and the City Attorney's Office, in addition to reviewing material from other <br />Alameda County cities (specifically Oakland, Berkeley, Hayward, Emeryville) on how <br />each jurisdiction has addressed issues related to such land uses in its Municipal Code. <br />Due to the complexity of the issues, related in part to the differences in state and federal <br />