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101.4.1 Electrical. <br />The provisions of the San Leandro Electrical Code shall apply to the installation of electrical <br />systems, including alterations, repairs, replacement, equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings and <br />appurtenances thereto. <br />101.4.2 Gas. <br />The provisions of the San Leandro Plumbing Code shall apply to the installation of gas piping <br />from the point of delivery, gas appliances and related accessories as covered in this code. These <br />requirements apply to gas piping systems extending from the point of delivery to the inlet <br />connections of appliances and the installation and operation of residential and commercial gas <br />appliances and related accessories. <br />101.4.3 Mechanical. <br />The provisions of the San Leandro Mechanical Code shall apply to the installation, alterations, <br />repairs and replacement of mechanical systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, <br />fittings and/or appurtenances, including ventilating, heating, cooling, air - conditioning and <br />refrigeration systems, incinerators and other energy - related systems. <br />101.4.4 Plumbing. <br />The provisions of the San Leandro Plumbing Code shall apply to the installation, alteration, <br />repair and replacement of plumbing systems, including equipment, appliances, fixtures, fittings <br />and appurtenances, and where connected to a water or sewage system and all aspects of a <br />medical gas system. <br />101.4.5 Property maintenance. <br />The provisions of the San Leandro Housing and Building Code shall apply to existing structures <br />and premises; equipment and facilities; light, ventilation, space heating, sanitation, life and fire <br />safety hazards; responsibilities of owners, operators and occupants; and occupancy of existing <br />premises and structures. <br />101.4.6 Fire prevention. <br />The provisions of the San Leandro Fire Code shall apply to matters affecting or relating to <br />structures, processes and premises from the hazard of fire and explosion arising from the storage, <br />handling or use of structures, materials or devices; from conditions hazardous to life, property or <br />public welfare in the occupancy of structures or premises; and from the construction, extension, <br />repair, alteration or removal of fire suppression and alarm systems or fire hazards in the structure <br />or on the premises from occupancy or operation. <br />101.4.7 Energy. <br />The provisions of the California Energy Code, Title 24, Part 6 shall apply to all matters <br />governing the design and construction of buildings for energy efficiency. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2010-013 <br />