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SECTION 103 <br />DIVISION OF BUILDING AND SAFETY <br />103.1 Creation of enforcement agency. <br />The Division of Building and Safety is hereby created and the official in charge thereof shall be <br />known as the building official. <br />103.2 Appointment. <br />The building official shall be appointed by the city manager. <br />103.3 Deputies. <br />In accordance with the prescribed procedures of this jurisdiction and with the concurrence of the <br />appointing authority, the building official shall have the authority to appoint a deputy building <br />official, the related technical officers, inspectors, plan examiners and other employees. Such <br />employees shall have powers as delegated by the building official <br />SECTION 104 <br />DUTIES AND POWERS OF BUILDING OFFICIAL <br />104.1 General. <br />The building official is hereby authorized and directed to enforce the provisions of this code. The <br />building official shall have the authority to render interpretations of this code and to adopt <br />policies and procedures in order to clarify the application of its provisions. Such interpretations, <br />policies and procedures shall be in compliance with the intent and purpose of this code. Such <br />policies and procedures shall not have the effect of waiving requirements specifically provided <br />for in this code. <br />104.2 Applications and permits. <br />In order to verify compliance with any applicable laws the building official shall receive <br />applications, review construction documents and issue permits for the erection, and alteration, <br />demolition and moving of buildings and structures, inspect the premises for which such permits <br />have been issued and enforce compliance with the provisions of this code. <br />When an application for demolition of a structure is applied for and the building official has <br />cause to believe that the structure may have historical significance, the application may be <br />referred to the Library - Historical Commission for a determination of eligibility. <br />For the purpose of determining historical significance, any structure built prior to 1940 is <br />presumed to be potentially significant. <br />An application for a demolition permit may be denied by the building official if the issuance of <br />the permit would result in the destruction in whole or part of a historical resource. <br />ORDINANCE NO. 2010-013 <br />