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3. Update on Development Projects <br /> a. Parking Garage: Business Development Manager Battenberg explained that the parking <br /> garage was officially closed on November 29, 2010. The City's contractor Webcor <br /> Builders has installed their construction trailers and demolition will begin as soon as PG &E <br /> can cut the power to the building. All of the permit holders from the garage have been <br /> relocated, and 40 parking permits remain at the former Albertsons location at 1550 E. 14th <br /> Street. Staff is currently exploring new parking technologies which will be implemented in <br /> both the new parking garage and the existing downtown surface parking lots. <br /> b. Chrysler: Battenberg explained that the Chrysler. Jeep. Dodge and Ram dealership is <br /> scheduled to open later this month. <br /> c. Pallen Martial Arts: moved their studio from the Marina Faire shopping center to the <br /> downtown — at 1655 E. 14th St. just south of Chase. The Transportation and Engineering <br /> Department will be creating two 24 minute parking spaces in front of their facility to allow <br /> for easier drop -off and pickup of students. <br /> d. Taco Bell: a new Taco Bell restaurant with a drive - through will begin construction at of the <br /> former Bakers Square restaurant on Hesperian Boulevard. <br /> e. Wendv's: recently finished an extensive remodel of the restaurant located on the corner of <br /> Davis Street and San Leandro Blvd. The City was able to negotiate enhancements to the <br /> exterior doe to the quality of the surrounding development, specifically Creekside Office <br /> Plaza. <br /> f. Odwalla: Battenberg explained that Odwalla will be relocating their distribution operations <br /> (which employs approximately 50 people) from Berkeley to Alvarado Street in San <br /> Leandro. They are scheduled to begin operations in February. <br /> g. Brokers Roundtable: the Office of Business Development hosted a Brokers Roundtable at <br /> the Marina Inn in November to provide the brokerage community an overview of recent <br /> City projects and obtain feedback on how the City best support business development. <br /> h. Farmers' Market: Battenberg informed the Committee that the current agreement with <br /> Pacific Coast Farmers Market Association expired and a new three year agreement is being <br /> negotiated. The approximate annual cost for the seasonal market, including music, cooking <br /> demonstrations, continued marketing, etc. is approximately S12,000. <br /> i. General Plan Amendments: Senior Planner Millenbah informed the Committee that a few <br /> minor amendments to the City's General Plan need to be made in order to bring it into <br /> conformance with the new Downtown Area (DA) a zoning designations. These changes <br /> will be reviewed by the Planning Commission and City Council in early 2011. <br /> 4. Chamber of Commerce Quarterly Report — April May /June 2010 <br /> Chamber of Commerce CEO Dave Johnson updated the Committee on the Chamber of Commerce <br /> industrial activities for July — August 2010. Report attached. <br /> 3. Public Comments: None <br /> 4. Committee Member Comments <br /> 5. Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 5:30 p.m. <br /> P ;Business Des elopmcnt \Highlights12010112.9.10 BD and Housing Committee <br />