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MINUTES Page I t <br /> City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting— November 15, 2010 <br /> Ms. Vesely gave a PowerPoint presentation on the details of Measure Z, its short-term <br /> impact on the budget, and a schedule of the future budget deliberations. She <br /> commented that the future holds a lot of uncertainties and thanked the citizens for <br /> voting for Measure Z, which provides much - needed funding to maintain City services. <br /> Councilmember Prola requested clarification on the partial opening of the Senior <br /> Community Center in April. Mr. 1- lollister commented that Recreation and Human <br /> Services Director Carolyn Knudtson is working on a partial opening to provide senior <br /> classes and perhaps a meal program at the Senior Community Center. Most of the cost <br /> would be absorbed through the current budget. <br /> Mr. Hollister indicated that the City Council Finance Committee has traditionally <br /> handled the budget issues and policies and provided written reports in the City Council <br /> agendas. He sought the City Council's interest in receiving verbal reports in addition to <br /> the written reports on substantive discussions on budget - related items. <br /> Councilmember Souza indicated that she supports such efforts and that it is important <br /> for the entire City Council to get as much information as possible in order to make <br /> educated decisions. <br /> Councilmember Prola concurred as a member of the City Council Finance Committee. <br /> Vice Mayor Reed agreed. <br /> B. Matter of Adoption of City of San Leandro Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA] <br /> Transition Plan 2010 Update. Cost: $1,822,790. <br /> City Manager Hollister stated that the cost associated with the ADA Transition Plan <br /> would be spread out over a number of years. He then introduced Community Relations <br /> Representative Kathy Omelas. <br /> Ms. Omelas reported that only the executive summary of the Plan is provided in the <br /> agenda. The entire Plan includes the full text of the Plan and the facilities summary. <br /> The text portion includes the City's commitment to accessibility and non- <br /> discrimination, the process for updating the Plan, the City's grievance procedures, and a <br /> comprehensive list of resources. The modifications are estimated to take 15 years to <br /> complete. She reported that the next step is to update the Self Evaluation Plan. The <br /> Transition Plan deals with the physical facilities; and the Self Evaluation Plan deals <br /> with how the City delivers services. <br /> Ms. Omelas responded to questions from Councilmember Gregory about curb cuts and <br /> Measure WW. <br /> • Minute Order No. 2010 -042. Motion Adopting the City of San Leandro <br /> Americans with Disabilities Act [ADA] Transition Plan 2010 Update. <br />