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MINUTES Page 12 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — November 15, 2010 <br /> The City Council adopted the City of San Leandro ADA Transition Plan <br /> 2010 Update. <br /> M /S /C Prola and Souza. Ayes: 6; Noes: 0; Absent: 1 (Santos) <br /> C. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken <br /> No reportable action taken. <br /> 11. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS <br /> City Councilmembers report on their activities. including attendance at Intergovernmental <br /> Agency meetings, conferences and seminars, and local events, and make brief announcements <br /> on issues of concem. <br /> Councilmember Gregory reported that he attended the Eden Township Healthcare District <br /> meeting and the "Bike Party" at the San Leandro BART Station. He announced that the <br /> Planning Commission will be reviewing City's draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan this <br /> Thursday, prior to Council consideration. He urged the City Council to adopt a resolution <br /> regarding electric vehicles before the end of the year. <br /> Councilmember Souza pointed out that the City Council extended the medical marijuana <br /> moratorium earlier this evening without providing directions to staff on the future ordinance. <br /> She commented that public outreach would be necessary during the development. <br /> Councilmember Starosciak congratulated the City on the passage of Measure Z, and thanked <br /> staff for the hard work and for the personal time spent on the campaign. She commented that <br /> the passage of San Leandro School District's Measure M would provide much - needed <br /> facilities. She expressed appreciation that the entire City Council attended the Veterans' Day <br /> ceremony. Councilmember Starosciak provided suggestions for the Marina development, <br /> including the possibility of a water taxi service. She provided details on the new San <br /> Francisco water taxi service. <br /> Councilmember Stephens commended the entire City Council for attending the Veterans' Day <br /> celebration. Regarding the current election, he commented that elections provide a sounding <br /> of the community every four years. He congratulated Mayor -Elect Stephen Cassidy and <br /> Councilmember -Elect Pauline Cutter. He expressed that the upcoming year will be difficult <br /> and offered his good wishes. <br /> Councilmember Prola thanked Councilmember Stephens and Mayor Santos for their service <br /> to the City, and welcomed Mayor -Elect Stephen Cassidy and Councilmember -Elect Pauline <br /> Cutter. He reported that he attended the dedication of the Reed Buffington Arts Center at <br /> Chabot College; the Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs meeting; a town hall <br /> meeting on the boat harbor basin and altematives; the meeting of the Alameda County <br /> Mosquito Abatement District Board; the East Bay Dischargers Authority [EBDA] Regulatory <br /> Affairs meeting as Mayor Santos' alternate; the Veterans Day ceremony; and the Hayward <br />