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• EXHIBITA <br /> • <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> The Bay Area -Wide Trash Capture Demonstration Project is funded by the State Water Resources Control Board <br /> Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) with funds from the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act <br /> (ARRA). The San Francisco Estuary Partnership (SFEP), a project of the Association of Bay Area Governments <br /> (ABAG) will administer the project, which will retrofit and/or improve storm drainage infrastructure in order to <br /> address trash pollution in San Francisco Bay and local creeks, <br /> The project will demonstrate to municipalities and the public that trash can be managed, and that reductions in the <br /> volume of trash enhance the Estuary and its water quality. Municipal staff will gain experience with, and share <br /> information about, different types of trash capture devices. The project will facilitate early compliance with the <br /> San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board's Municipal Regional Stormwater National Pollutant <br /> Discharge Elimination System Permit affecting Phase 1 communities, and anticipated requirements for operators <br /> of small municipal separate storm sewer systems (Phase II). <br /> SFEP /ABAG has developed an initial distribution of project resources, posted at <br /> http:// www. bavareatrashtracker .or¢Jcontent/contract- resources, which allocates a proportion of available funds to <br /> all project area municipalities (Exhibit A -1) based on population and regulatory requirement to capture trash. This <br /> allocation will be revised to reflect the municipalities that choose to contract with ABAG and join the project. <br /> SFEP /ABAG has solicited proposals from, and is contracting with vendors to provide trash capture devices for <br /> installation in municipal storm drain systems throughout the project area, in a range of scales and designs <br /> appropriate to different locations and conditions. <br /> All construction must be complete, and all devices installed, by November 1, 2012. <br /> The project completion date (end of project term) is December 1, 2013. <br /> Participating entities that opt to join the project will undertake the following tasks: <br /> I. Contract with the Association of Bay Area Governments to participate in the Bay Area -wide Trash <br /> Capture Demonstration Project. This contract includes provisions required by both ARRA and the <br /> CWSRF. <br /> 2. Review the list of vendors and trash capture devices included in the project (Exhibit A -2); identify high <br /> trash- generating locations for installation of devices; and work with vendors' representatives to select and <br /> size devices appropriate to those sites. Each individual installation must either be covered by the Project's <br /> categorical exemption•from requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA Guidelines <br /> Section 15302(c), Replacement or Reconstruction). or the municipality must submit to ABAG complete <br /> CEQA documentation that has been duly filed with the Governor's Office of Planning and Research <br /> before September 15, 2009. <br /> 3. Complete a purchase order form (example in Exhibit A -3) for each vendor of selected devices, specifying <br /> devices and locations; sign the form along with the vendor's representative; and submit to the SFEP <br /> project manager. Submit multiple purchase orders if necessary. <br /> 4. Either supervise installation of each device by the vendor; install the device with municipal staff labor; or <br /> contract separately with an appropriate installer (using municipal funds unless otherwise arranged with <br /> ABAG legal staff) to place the device in accordance with specifications. <br /> 5. When the device is properly installed and functioning, complete a Notice of Acceptance (Exhibit A-4) <br /> and submit the ABAG. When a representative of the city or county signs the Notice of Acceptance, <br /> ownership and responsibility for upkeep and maintenance of the device pass from ABAG to the <br /> municipality. <br /> 6. Display a project placard, to be provided by ABAG, in city /county offices or other appropriate public <br /> space. <br /> 7. Maintenance: Municipal staff will perform or supervise appropriate regular maintenance of each device <br /> according to manufacturer's instructions or best practices. Each device will be maintained so as to <br /> maximize effectiveness and minimize both flooding and flow of trash through the storm drainage system; <br /> 5 <br />