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Eden Road Underground 2 January 3,2011 <br /> Analvsis <br /> The City has plans to significantly improve Eden Road, including paving of the existing dirt road <br /> and construction of a new roadway segment that will extend the road to Davis Street near the <br /> intersection with Business Center Drive. Staff recommends that this improvement project <br /> include undergrounding of the utilities along the roadway. <br /> The City's Underground Utility Master Plan identifies streets that are potential candidates for <br /> underground utility districts. The Master Plan indicates that we should consider undergrounding <br /> utilities when significant City street improvements are constructed. Using the aforementioned <br /> Master Plan guidance, an Underground Utility District is proposed over Eden Road as shown on <br /> the plan line titled "Eden Road," a plan that includes approximately 1,800 linear feet of roadway. <br /> Creation of the Eden Road Underground Utility District requires the following: 1) that power for <br /> new streetlights conies from underground conduits; 2) that approximately 1,000 lineal feet of <br /> existing overhead utilities be relocated underground; and 3) that any future utility installations be <br /> done underground. <br /> The roadway improvements, either with or without underground utilities, will only be <br /> constructed if an assessment district is formed to provide funding for the work. Due to the <br /> additional steps required to establish an assessment district, the deadline for property owners to <br /> underground their utilities is set by this resolution as February 1, 2015. Formation of an <br /> assessment district is a separate action and is not accomplished by the resolution proposed at this <br /> time. <br /> Owners of property adjacent to the new roadway or that receive other benefit from the new <br /> roadway will be asked to fund the roadway construction project and undergrounding of the <br /> utilities in an amount proportional to their benefit. Additionally, establishment of an <br /> Underground Utility District provides the official notice to the utility companies that all new <br /> utility lines installed in the area must be installed below ground. <br /> A typical underground district includes all parcels that have frontage along a roadway. This <br /> particular roadway is adjacent to the Galbraith Golf Course, which is located in the City of <br /> Oakland and managed by the Port of Oakland. Property outside of the City limits is not subject <br /> to actions of the City Council and so is not included in the list of properties to be entered into the <br /> district; however, the golf course property does not obtain any utility service from Eden Road <br /> and so has no overhead utility lines that will conflict with the district. <br /> Previous City Council Action(s) <br /> • On September 20, 2010 by Resolution No. 2010 -119, the Council approved the 2010 -2011 <br /> Five -Year Project List for Underground Utility District Conversion Projects <br /> • On November 1, 2010 by Resolution No. 2010 -136, the Council approved a resolution of <br /> intention calling for a public hearing on this matter <br />