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MO 2011-003
City Clerk
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Minute Orders
MO 2011-003
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Last modified
1/20/2011 5:30:24 PM
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1/20/2011 5:30:24 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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The proposal will kill jobs and economic expansion at the worst possible time. <br /> Eliminating redevelopment will have a direct and lasting negative impact on the California economy <br /> and job creation. A few examples of economic development spurred by redevelopment in San Leandro <br /> include: <br /> • Creekside Plaza Office Complex. Although primarily financed privately, this project would <br /> not have been feasible without the land assembly assistance and minimal gap financing <br /> contribution by the Redevelopment Agency. Creekside is San Leandro's only class -A office <br /> development, generates on -going property tax revenue and is home to over 1,000 quality jobs. <br /> • Downtown Garage Construction. Redevelopment financing is facilitating construction of a <br /> Downtown parking garage, an essential step in supporting growth consistent with the City's <br /> award winning Transit Oriented Strategy. The garage will facilitate mixed -use, infill <br /> development in Downtown San Leandro, leading to creation of upwards of 200 new jobs and <br /> enhanced economic vitality downtown. The construction project will support over 50 jobs in <br /> the construction industry over 18 months. <br /> • Marina Automall. The Redevelopment Agency spearheaded the development of the Marina <br /> Automall directly generating an estimated 500 jobs and substantial sales tax revenues for the <br /> City. <br /> The Agency has also supported numerous infrastructure improvements to create climate conducive to <br /> business growth. Business assistance programs funded by Redevelopment provide targeted support to <br /> small and mid -sized businesses that form the core of our economy. All of these efforts are designed to <br /> support job creation and economic vitality for the City and region. Public support for economic <br /> development in San Leandro would be virtually non- existent without Redevelopment. <br /> The proposal is bad for the environment, bad for working families, bad for our state. <br /> Eliminating redevelopment will take away the primary tool local governments have to comply with SB <br /> 375, to grow sustainably, and to provide affordable housing. Consider the following: <br /> • Infill- Centered Growth. Communities use redevelopment for building infill projects and <br /> spurring local job creation. Redevelopment encourages infill development rather than <br /> greenfield development. Often, a small contribution of gap financing can make the difference <br /> in success of a project. Implementation of San Leandro's Transit Oriented Development <br /> Strategy which provides environmental clearance for up to 3,400 residential units, 120,000 <br /> square feet of retail and over 700,000 square feet of office space will be severely impacted by <br /> the elimination of Redevelopment. <br /> • Redevelopment is the second largest funder of affordable homes in California after the <br /> federal government, constructing over 98,000 units since 1993. Twenty percent of property <br /> tax revenues generated from redevelopment activities must be spent on affordable housing. <br /> San Leandro's recently completed Estabrook Place, with 51 much - needed affordable senior <br /> dwelling units, would not have been possible without Redevelopment. The Alameda, a <br /> planned 100 -unit affordable family project adjacent to our downtown BART station, will <br /> almost surely be canceled without assistance from the Redevelopment Agency. <br /> Redevelopment in San Leandro has made hundreds of affordable homes possible. <br />
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