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MINUTES Page 6 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — December 20, 2010 <br /> J. Resolution No. 2010-155. Resolution Accepting the Work for Americans with <br /> Disabilities Act [ADA] Ramp Project 2009 -10, Project No. 09- 165-43 -216 (provides <br /> for acceptance of work from Spencon Construction, Inc., filing of the Notice of <br /> Completion, and release of bonds). <br /> K. Resolution No. 2010 -156, Resolution Adding Title 8, Title 11 to the San Leandro <br /> Administrative Code Related to Financing of Sewer Lateral Connections to City <br /> Sewerage System for Private Sewer Lateral Relocations Necessitated by Sewer Main <br /> Abandonments (provides process of notification, cost sharing, financial assistance, and <br /> pipeline abandonment to equitably treat property owners in sewer lateral relocations). <br /> 9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br /> Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br /> Mayor. <br /> Patrick Grajeda, President, San Leandro City Employees' Association (SLCEA) and <br /> San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that the City would realize <br /> significant budgetary savings by adopting the proposed MOUs due to the furlough days, <br /> contribution to medical increases and two -tier retirement. Mr. Grajeda urged the City <br /> Council's approval of the agreements. <br /> Pamela Covington, IFPTE Local 21 Representative, addressed the City Council, <br /> commenting that the agreement represents five years of no pay raises, continuation of <br /> furloughs and major increases to medical contributions for SLCEA members. Ms. Covington <br /> expressed appreciation to the Council for its support of the proposed SLCEA MOU, and she <br /> thanked Mayor Santos and Councilmember Stephens for their service to the City. <br /> Jerry Maughan, SLCEA member and San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, <br /> thanking Mayor Santos for his many years of service to San Leandro. Mr. Maughan <br /> commented that employee groups in the past have forgone cost of living increases in order to <br /> have the City pay the employees' share of the pension premium. <br /> Chris Selig, SLCEA member and San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, <br /> commenting that the proposed MOU would restore City operations by eliminating scheduled <br /> furlough days, and would provide greater access for residents to City services. Ms. Selig <br /> urged the Council's support for the MOU. <br /> Morgan Mack -Rose, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, expressing <br /> concern regarding the upcoming difficult budget year, and entering into a contract that <br /> financially obligates the City and provides no flexibility. Ms. Mack -Rose stated that she does <br /> not want to see the City cut the services that the supporters of Measure Z voted to save. <br /> Johanne Dictor, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that upper <br /> management employees should take a larger cut in their salaries. Ms. Dictor stated she <br />