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Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and BPAC 2 February 7, 2011 <br /> BACKGROUND <br /> • <br /> The City of San Leandro adopted the Bikeway Plan of the Circulation Element of the City's <br /> General Plan in 1997. The document provided policies and programs, and guided the planning <br /> and development of bikeways throughout the city. In 2004 the Bikeway Plan was further <br /> expanded into the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan to address both bicycle and pedestrian <br /> issues in a similar and consistent fashion. By incorporating pedestrian policies, programs, and <br /> proposed improvements, the City improved its competitiveness in applying for grant funding to <br /> construct pedestrian - related and bicycle - related improvements. The document submitted for <br /> your approval comprises the 2010 update to the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan and is the <br /> official policy document guiding the development of facilities to enhance bicycling and walking <br /> as additional and appropriate transportation choices for San Leandro residents. <br /> The draft 2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan was developed with the input and guidance <br /> of a City Council- appointed BPAC. The BPAC was composed of 13 full members and three <br /> alternates. BPAC members, who represented both bicycle and pedestrian interests, were selected <br /> from each of the Council districts. The BPAC met five times over nine months and was <br /> extremely effective in providing valuable insights for the Master Plan's completion. This <br /> Committee is considered a short-term Ad hoc committee, which will be dissolved when the 2010 <br /> Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is adopted by the City Council. <br /> On November 13, 2010, the Planning Commission conducted a public hearing. The Commission <br /> recommended City Council approval of the draft 2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan. <br /> Analysis <br /> Relationship to the General Plan <br /> The draft 2010 I3icycle and Pedestrian Master Plan is a comprehensive update of the existing <br /> 2004 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan that allows the City to remain competitive for <br /> Regional. State and Federal grant monies. The draft Master Plan will be wholly consistent with <br /> the San Leandro General Plan. The draft Master Plan will remain as part of the Circulation <br /> Element and will help implement General Plan policies related to land use, circulation and <br /> recreation. <br /> Specifically, the City's vision is for: <br /> A city where walking and bicycling are fully integrated into daily life, providing <br /> environmentally - friendly transportation alternatives that are both safe and <br /> convenient for people of all ages and abilities. <br /> Updated Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan <br /> The 2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan includes the following chapters: Introduction; <br /> Goals and Policies; Bicycle Network; Pedestrian Network; Safety, Education and Enforcement; <br /> and implementation. <br /> • <br />