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City and San Leandro Unified School District Liaison Committee <br /> January 12,2011 <br /> Page 2 <br /> b) City of San Leandro <br /> City Manager Hollister handed out budget information from a December 21, 2010 update <br /> by the City's Finance Director (attached). He stated that the year ending budget may be <br /> better than anticipated. For FY 2010 -11, it was anticipated that the budget would have a <br /> $3 million shortfall. He stated that Measure Z is very important for revenues but will not <br /> be realized until later this fiscal year, and the most important goal is to achieve 20% to 30% <br /> in reserves. He concluded that the budget is looking better, but the City is not out of the <br /> woods yet. He also gave an overview of the Kaiser development fees and other reserve <br /> funds. There is great concern over the future of the City's Redevelopment Agency. City <br /> staff will provide more detailed budget information at the next City Council meeting on <br /> January 18. <br /> Assistant Superintendant Chin - Bendib asked how the current governor's redevelopment <br /> agency realignment would impact the City and District agreements. <br /> City Manager Hollister said that the details would need to be determined since these cuts <br /> would be considered debt and staff is unsure on how it will impact schools. <br /> 2. Update on School Projects and Events <br /> a) Fred Korematsu Day <br /> Superintendent Cathey stated that the Board adopted a resolution (attached) in honor of <br /> Fred T. Korematsu Day of Civil Liberties and the Constitution, which is January 30`" She <br /> also stated that teachers have incorporated new curriculum for students to understand the <br /> importance of Mr. Korematsu and civil liberties. She also listed a number of events the <br /> students are hosting to celebrate this important day, in particular a speech contest winner <br /> reading at the UC Berkeley campus. <br /> Mayor Cassidy inquired if there where any opportunities for the City to be involved. <br /> Superintendent Cathey said that perhaps the City could be involved in next year's events. <br /> Board President Katz - Lacabe clarified that the UC Berkeley event will take place on <br /> January 30 at 2:00 p.m. at Wheeler 1 -fall. The Rev. Jesse Jackson will be the keynote <br /> speaker. <br /> b) Martin Luther King Day <br /> City Manager Hollister stated that the Martin Luther King Day celebration events have <br /> been cancelled last year and this year due to the budget deficit, but if the budget looks <br /> better next fiscal year, the City Council will have an opportunity to consider the matter. <br />