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look to see where time can be saved. Staff was not aware of the Paw -A -Thon event and <br /> the need for the completion timeline. Councilmember Starosciak asked if the final LEED <br /> Certification for the Senior Community Center is known. Ken Joseph stated that the <br /> paperwork is still in process. <br /> 2. Discussion Regarding WPCP Rehabilitation Project <br /> Ken Joseph gave a PowerPoint presentation regarding the WPCP Rehabilitation project. <br /> Ken gave an overview of the project. He explained that the project goals and challenges <br /> are to improve energy efficiency, restore capacity and functionality of the plant, meet <br /> upcoming regulations, select proven unit processes and equipment, improve operations <br /> and simplify maintenance, increase reliability and to operate 24 hours per day, 7 days per <br /> week during construction. Discussion ensued. <br /> Councilmember Starosciak asked if the timeline for the WPCP Rehabilitation project and <br /> for Eden Road parallel. Ken explained that there is currently no construction funding for <br /> Eden Road. Staff is currently working on design for Eden Road. Councilmember Cutter <br /> asked if processing at the WPCP services San Leandro.only or are other cities serviced <br /> and charged assessments. Mike Bakaldin explained that approximately 60% of the City <br /> of San Leandro is serviced by the WPCP, while Oro Lorna provides service to the <br /> southern side of the city, which is approximately 40 %. GVe distribute water to EBMUD <br /> at cost and it irrigates Alameda golf courses, and we sell recycled water to AGC, the <br /> contractor that operates the golf course. Neither EBMUD nor ACC discharges to the <br /> WPCP. <br /> Councilmember Starosciak asked if there is any action coming to the City Council. Uche <br /> explained that this is for information only and will be presented to City Council for Call <br /> for Bids in February. <br /> 3. Discussion Regarding San Leandro I3oulevard Improvements <br /> Uche Udemezue gave a brief overview of the San Leandro Boulevard Improvements and <br /> BART Pedestrian Interface Plan project explaining that it will change the face of San <br /> Leandro Boulevard and make it an area that is more pedestrian friendly. Keith Cooke <br /> gave a PowerPoint presentation outlining the timeline, plan and vision for the project. He <br /> explained that the City was awarded a Transportation for Livable Communities (TLC) <br /> grant for the project. Staff will be bringing a Resolution for appropriation of funds for <br /> the grant amount and the matching fund sources to City Council in February. Design of <br /> the project is scheduled to be completed by November 2011 and construction should <br /> begin in April 2012. Completion of the project is scheduled for July 2013. Discussion <br /> ensued. <br /> Councilmember Starosciak asked what is stopping the relocation of the crosswalk at the <br /> bus entry. Keith explained that the challenge is in the location of the bus transit center <br /> entry. Staff is working with BART and AC Transit to make improvements. <br /> Councilmember Cutter asked where residents will have parking for the proposed housing <br /> on San Leandro Boulevard. Keith stated that a garage entry is planned on Juana Street <br /> and Carpentier Street on the backside. Councilmember Starosciak stated that this project <br />