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SUPPAGR.DOC 980220 <br /> Form Approved, AVP-Law <br /> Folder: 2385 -16 <br /> • Audit: 256670 <br /> SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT <br /> THIS SUPPLEMENTAL AGREEMENT is made as of the 16th day of December, 2010, <br /> between UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY, a Delaware corporation, (hereinafter the <br /> "Licensor ") and CITY OF SAN LEANDRO, CALIFORNIA, a California municipal corporation, with <br /> a mailing address at 935 E 14th Street , San Leandro, Califomia 94577 (hereinafter the "Licensee "). <br /> RECITALS: <br /> 13y instrument dated January 15, 1973, the parties hereto, or their predecessors in interest (if any), <br /> entered into an agreement (herein the "Basic Agreement "), identified as Audit No. 256670, covering a <br /> 20" sewer pipeline located at Mile Post .14.26, Niles Subdivision, at or near San Leandro, Alameda <br /> County, California. <br /> The parties now desire to modify the Basic Agreement by addition of an existing 18" sanitary <br /> sewer pipeline and improvements and updates to wingwalls. <br /> AGREEMENT: <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows: <br /> Article 1. ADDITIONAL PIPELINE. <br /> Effective as of the date herein written, Agreement Audit Number 256670 (Basic Agreement) shall <br /> also include an existing 18" sanitary sewer pipeline at Mile Post 14.26, Niles Subdivision. <br /> Article 1. ADDITION OF PRINT. <br /> The print dated December 15, 2010, attached hereto as Exhibit 'A -1', shall be and hereby is added <br /> to the print dated January 15, 1973, attached to the Basic Agreement, and from and after the effective date <br /> herein whenever the term Pipeline is used in the Basic Agreement, or any amendment or supplement <br /> thereto Of any), such reference shall be deemed to also refer to the Pipeline as shown on Exhibit 'A -1', <br /> hereto attached. <br /> Article 2. ADMINISTRATIVE HANDLING CHARGE. <br /> Upon execution and delivery of this Supplemental Agreement, the Licensee shall pay to the <br /> Licensor an administrative handling charge of Two Thousand Five Hundred DOLLARS (52,500.00). <br /> Article 3. EFFECTIVE DATE. <br /> This Supplemental Agreement shall be effective as of December 16, 2010. <br />