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Kinder Morgan SFPP L.P. Pipeline <br /> Agreement • 2 February 7, 2011 <br /> An alvsis <br /> The original agreement expired on July 1, 200S. Amendment No. 1 extends the agreement term <br /> until December 31, 2040, updates the contact information, and makes the following minor <br /> changes to the requirements of the agreement: <br /> 1. The amendment eliminates the original 55,000 bond requirement and instead requires that <br /> SFPP L.P. provide the City with an insurance certificate in the amount of 51,000,000 <br /> listing the City as additional insured on an annual basis. <br /> 2. The amendment adds language to the agreement that requires operation of the pipelines <br /> in accordance with State and Federal laws and the latest safety, inspection and testing <br /> methods required by such laws. <br /> 3. The amendment modifies the agreement to reflect current law in California governing <br /> compensation for the franchise calculated by the California Public Contract Code 6231.5. <br /> The subject 10" pipeline conveys fuel from Richmond to the Oakland International Airport and <br /> San Francisco International Airport via San Leandro. The line runs along the Union Pacific <br /> railroad right of way the northern City Limit line to Davis Street near Carden Street, then <br /> Westward along Davis Street, through the City's Water Pollution Control Plant at 3000 Davis <br /> Street, and out through a slough to the Oakland Airport. A map is attached. It is most <br /> economical for the pipeline operator to continue using the existing pipes. Failure to come to an <br /> agreement would necessitate removal of the pipelines and construction of new pipes elsewhere to <br /> supply the airports. <br /> Previous CiIv Council Action(s) <br /> On July 1, 1965, by Resolution No. 65 -107, the City Council approved the Agreement Granting <br /> License for a Pipeline Along, In, Under, Through, and Over Certain Public Streets, Ways, Alleys <br /> and Public Places within the city of San Leandro. <br /> Applicable General Plan Policy <br /> 52.03 Coordination of Infrastructure: Coordinate local infrastructure planning with EBMUD, the <br /> Oro Lorna Sanitary District, Alameda County, and other service providers to ensure that <br /> • infrastructure remains adequate to serve existing and planned development. <br /> Fiscal 1 mpact <br /> Continuing this agreement and retaining the existing pipelines will require some minor staff <br /> costs due to drafting and tracking papenvork and coordinating construction work with the <br /> pipeline operator. These costs are expected to be less than 52,000 per year. <br />