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MINUTES Page 6 <br /> City of San Leandro City Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — January 18, 2011 <br /> Finance Director Tracy Vesely provided a summary of the information reported at <br /> the Finance Committee Meeting of December 21, 2010, including a report on the <br /> FY 2009 -10 year -end General Fund operating shortfall of $6.6 million; the <br /> adopted budget, containing considerable General Fund spending cuts; the <br /> estimated FY 2010 -11 shortfall of $2.2 million; Measure Z revenue projection of <br /> $4 million annually, beginning April 1, 2011; a slight upward trend in property tax <br /> revenue; and a slight increase in sales tax revenue due to an adjustment by the <br /> State Board of Equalization. Ms. Vesely noted that the six positions that were due <br /> to be eliminated without the passage of Measure Z were only funded through the <br /> end of last year, and would need to be funded through Measure Z revenue for the <br /> last half of this fiscal year. <br /> Ms. Vesely also reported on the Finance Committee Meeting of January 14, 2011, <br /> at which the Committee discussed the idea of a two -year budget process, <br /> beginning in 2013; the FY 2011 -12 budget assumptions made by staff; and the <br /> current $1 million General Fund operating deficit. <br /> Staff responded to questions from the Council. <br /> In response to a question from Councilmember Starosciak, Mr. Hollister outlined <br /> the plan for expenditure of the Kaiser community mitigation funds. <br /> Mayor Cassidy noted the budget assumptions would have tremendous <br /> consequences, and suggested that they be reviewed by the entire Council at its <br /> upcoming retreat. He asked that the Finance Committee continue its consideration <br /> of the biennial budget process. Mr. Hollister indicated that staff would <br /> incorporate budget forecasting into the 2011 -12 budget document, and confirmed <br /> that the biennial budget process would be brought back to the Committee for <br /> further consideration and possible adoption for use beginning in FY 2013. <br /> 2. Governor's State Budget. <br /> Ms. Vesely prefaced her presentation by stating that the City's budget assumptions <br /> did not take into account any of the current budget actions proposed by the state. <br /> She gave a PowerPoint presentation, outlining the Governor's budget proposals, <br /> including budget cuts, extension of state taxes due to expire in 2011, revenue <br /> proposals including taking local redevelopment funds, and realignment of state <br /> programs to county and local agencies. <br /> Business Development Manager Cynthia Battenberg continued the presentation, <br /> describing the Governor's proposal to eliminate redevelopment agencies, and the <br /> possible impacts of the proposal on San Leandro. <br /> Staff responded to questions from the Council. <br /> 3. Matter of Opposition to State Tax Realignment. <br />