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From January 1, 2011 through December 31, 2012, salaries shall remain at the 2010 level. <br /> Section 7. Annual Vacation Leave <br /> 7.1 The purpose of annual vacation leave is to enable each eligible employee to return to work <br /> physically and mentally refreshed. In the administration of this section, administrative <br /> personnel shall be guided by this stated purpose. The time at which an employee shall take <br /> vacation leave during the calendar year shall be determined with due regard for wishes of the <br /> employee, and particular regard for the needs of the department. In the event one (1) or more <br /> municipal holidays falls within a vacation leave, such days shall not be charged as vacation <br /> leave and the vacation leave shall be extended accordingly for those employees eligible for such <br /> holidays. <br /> Employees may accumulate vacation leave up to a maximum of two (2) years vacation accrual. <br /> An additional year may be accumulated with Department Head approval. Such approval shall <br /> be recorded in the employee's personnel file. An employee who fails to take accrued vacation <br /> leave within the time herein prescribed shall lose such accrued vacation leave. <br /> An employee who is in unpaid status for 44 or more hours in a pay period shall not accrue <br /> vacation leave for that pay period. <br /> Upon being separated from City service, an eligible employee shall be entitled to compensation <br /> for any accrued but unused vacation calculated at the rate of pay at the time of termination. <br /> The vacation/holiday sign -up for Police Services Aide, Administrative Specialist - Police and <br /> Dispatcher, will be posted in the authorized work locations of the respective police divisions no <br /> later than November 1, to be completed by December 1, for the next calendar year. <br /> 7.2 The following vacation leave provisions do not apply to hourly or part-time employees. <br /> Vacation leave for each full -time employee shall be accrued and credited for the pay period in <br /> which it is earned. <br /> An employee holding a full -time position shall be entitled to vacation leave which shall accrue <br /> at the rate of twelve (12) days for each calendar year of service performed. If a newly hired <br /> employee possesses five (5) years of experience in the field in which he /she is hired, he /she <br /> shall accrue vacation leave at the rate of fifteen (15) days for each calendar year of service <br /> performed. <br /> The City shall evaluate employees hired before February 1, 2002 who have not yet performed <br /> five (5) full years of City service, to determine if they possessed the required experience when <br /> they were hired. If so, their accrual rate will be changed to fifteen (15) days. If not, their <br /> accrual rate will be changed from ten (10) days to twelve (12) days effective January 1, 2002. <br /> In the year in which an employee holding a full -time position completes five (5) full years of <br /> City service, such employee shall be entitled to fifteen and three - quarters (151/4) work days of <br /> vacation for service performed. <br /> For each full year of full -time City service completed thereafter, three- quarters (1) of a work <br /> day vacation shall be added up to a maximum of twenty -five (25) work days of vacation. <br /> 6 <br />