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City Council Rules and Communications Committee P a g e 2 <br /> January 27, 2011 <br /> Public Comments: <br /> Members of the public expressed the following concerns regarding the ordinance restrictions: <br /> • The 72 -hour time limit does not meet the need of RV owners to load, unload, clean and maintain <br /> their vehicles when preparing for, and returning from, a trip. They need time allotted before and <br /> after a trip. <br /> • The 12 times - per -year limit is restrictive, and inadequate for the needs of residents who take <br /> frequent trips. <br /> • There are several RVs that have been parked on Martinez Street for several weeks. <br /> Police Traffic Sergeant Randall Hudson commented that the 2 -6 a.m. restriction is to keep vehicles <br /> from parking overnight. He noted that the restriction does not apply to Martinez Street, since it is <br /> not a residential street. <br /> Committee members discussed various ways to modify the ordinance, and Chair Cassidy asked the <br /> audience members for their suggestions. Committee members agreed that the number of annual <br /> exemptions should be limited, but they expressed interest in increasing the number to 24 per year, <br /> and to allow the 72 -hour time limit to be used before and after a trip, rather than continuously. Sgt. <br /> Hudson indicated that the PD has the capability to track the trip information, to allow the 72 hours to <br /> be tracked pre- and post -trip. <br /> Committee Recommendation: <br /> The Committee recommended scheduling consideration by the City Council of the proposed <br /> amendments to San Leandro Municipal Code Section 6 -1 -430 Off Street Parking of Certain Size <br /> Vehicles, with an additional amendment to the ordinance to allow up to 24 parking exemptions per <br /> year. <br /> 2. Discussion Regarding 2011 Meeting Days and Time <br /> Chair Cassidy expressed interest in starting the Committee meetings at 5 p.m. or later. Assistant City <br /> Manager Lianne Marshall stated that most staff members are scheduled to work until 5 p.m., and non- <br /> management staff would fall into an overtime situation. Committee Members Cassidy and Reed <br /> commented on the difficulty of arriving in time for a 4 p.m. meeting. Chair Cassidy offered a <br /> compromise of a 4:30 -5:30 p.m. meeting time on the 4 Thursday of the month, with a request to keep <br /> the agenda manageable. <br /> 4. Continued Discussion Regarding Consideration of a Ban on Polystyrene Foam Disposable <br /> Food Containers <br /> Public Works Services Director Mike Bakaldin reported that the grant funds used to support the <br /> City's recycling program will sunset soon. In November 2010, staff developed a High Diversion <br /> Plan for achieving a 75% waste diversion goal. Mr. Bakaldin noted that without grant funds, there <br /> will be limited resources to achieve the goal. While staff does not oppose a polystyrene ban, such a <br /> ban does not rank high enough in the Diversion Plan to warrant moving it forward. <br />