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City Council Rules and Communications Committee Page ) 3 <br /> January 27, 2011 <br /> Public Works Analyst Jennifer Nassab reviewed the information in the staff report, and the options <br /> for the Committee's consideration. <br /> Committee Member Prola expressed concern that polystyrene is a probable carcinogen, and the City <br /> has a moral obligation to ban it. <br /> Public Comments: <br /> • Emily Utter, representing Save the Bay, commented that other organizations such as hers have <br /> outreach materials available that can be shared with the City. Ms. Utter pointed out that <br /> polystyrene is probably already costing the City to clean up, and cities will be required to <br /> eliminate polystyrene from storm water by 2020. <br /> • Michelle Myers, representing the Sierra Club, commented that the ordinance would be a small, <br /> but important, diversion tactic. She noted the harmful effects of polystyrene to the land and <br /> wildlife. <br /> Committee Members Prola and Reed agreed with having a polystyrene ban. Committee Member <br /> Reed suggested starting immediately with Opton 3, the Voluntary Program, while Committee <br /> Member Prola preferred Option I, an ordinance with outreach and enforcement. Chair Cassidy <br /> pointed out that with many businesses struggling, he was concerned about imposing additional costs, <br /> and requested more accurate cost estimates. He commented on the need to address the issue of <br /> compostable plastics, and stated that he would like to be more knowledgeable before making a <br /> decision. The Committee expressed interest in receiving a work session presentation on the High <br /> Diversion Plan, and Committee Member Reed suggested inviting ACI to attend. <br /> Committee Recommendation: <br /> The Committee recommends scheduling a work session for a presentation on the High Diversion <br /> Plan. <br /> 5. Agenda Management/Streaming Audio Update <br /> Information Services Manager Rayan Fowler described the two -part project to I) streamline and <br /> automate the City Council agenda preparation process; and 2) provide audio streaming of the City <br /> Council meeting proceedings. Implementation of this project would improve transparency of City <br /> Council meeting proceedings, by facilitating the public's access to the Council meeting materials <br /> online, and providing online access to the Council meeting audio. These projects will be funded by <br /> Public, Education and Government (PEG) funds collected from Comcast and AT &T. Ms. Fowler <br /> pointed out that streaming video is not part of this project, as the Council Chamber must be upgraded to <br /> effectively operate video equipment. PEG funds may be used for the Chamber upgrades, but the <br /> project could not be started until sufficient funds have been collected. Staff provided clarification on <br /> the use of the PEG funds. <br /> Chair Cassidy stated that he would like to have a future discussion on communications. He suggested <br /> saving PEG funds and issuing an RFP once funding was available. Committee Member Prola <br />