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6 -1-430 OVERNIGHT PARKING PROHIBITED —OFF- STREET PARKING OF <br /> CERTAIN SIZE VEHICLES. (Recommended changes listed in bold/underlined.) <br /> (a) Residential Streets: <br /> (1) No motor vehicle having more than two (2) axles, or any single vehicle or <br /> combination of vehicles, which exceed twenty (20) feet in length, or any single vehicle or <br /> combination of vehicles seven (7) feet or more in height, or any single vehicle or combination of <br /> vehicles having a manufacturer's gross vehicle weight rating of ten thousand (10,000) pounds or <br /> more shall be parked or left standing upon any street in any Residence District as defined by <br /> California Vehicle Code Section 515 between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. Emergency <br /> vehicles as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 165 are exempt from this provision. <br /> (2) No motor vehicle shall be parked or left standing upon any street in any <br /> Residence District as defined by California Vehicle Code Section 515 between the hours of 2:00 <br /> a.m. and 6:00 a.m., if any portion of such vehicle, when so parked or left standing, extends <br /> beyond eight (8) feet from the face of the curb. Emergency vehicles as defined by California <br /> Vehicle Code Section 165 are exempt from this provision. <br /> (3) The City Manager may exempt an individual vehicle from the provisions of <br /> paragraph (a)(1) of this section for owners of recreational vehicles upon a showing by the <br /> person in possession and control of such recreational vehicle of a reasonable need therefor. <br /> Such exemption shall expire at a specified time within seventy -two (72) hours, except that the <br /> City Manager may extend such exemption for no more than one additional period of seventy -two <br /> (72) hours upon a showing by the person in possession and control of such recreational vehicle <br /> that because of unusual circumstances, enforcement of said provision as to such recreational <br /> vehicle would cause undue hardship to such person. Such exemption and extension may be <br /> allowed twelve (12) times per calendar year for each San Leandro household. Vehicle <br /> owners requesting an exemption must register each request for exemption with the San <br /> Leandro Police Department. For purposes of this section, a recreational vehicle is as <br /> defined in Sections 18009.3 and 18010 of the California Health and Safety Code. <br /> (4) The City Manager shall grant a variance from the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) <br /> of this section if, from the information presented in an application for such variance, the <br /> following facts are established: <br /> (i) The vehicle in question would otherwise be subject to the provisions of paragraph (a)(1) <br /> of this section; and <br /> (ii) Such vehicle is the sole vehicle registered to persons residing at the premises in <br /> question and is customarily parked at such premises; and <br /> (iii) Such vehicle is unable to be parked offstreet in compliance with the provisions of <br /> subsection (b) of this section. <br /> A variance granted pursuant to these provisions shall remain valid only so long as the <br /> necessary facts established in order to obtain the variance continue to exist. <br />