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FY 2010 -11 Mid -year review and budget adjustments February 22, 2011 <br /> All Other Revenue Funds <br /> In addition to the City's General Fund, City operations are supported by a number of other <br /> revenue funds. Attachment 1 provides a projected year -end fund balance summary of all other <br /> City funds. At the mid -point of the fiscal year, these funds are on target for revenues and <br /> expenditures — with some adjustments. Projected savings and mid -year budget modifications are <br /> all reflected in the estimated ending fund balances. Mid -year adjustments for these total about <br /> $2.9 million and are summarized below (Attachment 2 provides more detail). <br /> Net Change to <br /> Funding Source Fund Balance <br /> Gas Tax Fund (3,074) <br /> Measure B (ACTC) Fund (66,000) <br /> Heron Bay Maintenance Assessment Distract Fund (5,500) <br /> Special Grants Fund 53,400 <br /> Home Grant Fund (741.049) <br /> Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Fund (110,199) <br /> Business Improvement Distract Fund - <br /> Capital Improvement Projects Fund - <br /> Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise Fund (489,000) <br /> Shoreline Enterpnse Fund (88.075) <br /> Information Technology Internal Seance Fund (112,387) <br /> Redevelopment Agency - Plaza Area Fund (94.975) <br /> Redevelopment Agency - Joint Project Area Fund (618,829) <br /> Redevelopment Agency - West San Leandro MacArthur Project Area (280,000) <br /> Redevelopment Agency - Low /Moderate Housing Fund (332,676) <br /> Total $ (2,888,364) <br /> • Savings attributed to furlough, salary savings and non - personnel cost reductions are considered <br /> in the projected ending fund balances as shown in Attachment 1. <br /> • Key budget adjustments for other funds include: <br /> o $1.3 million from the various Redevelopment Agency funds; <br /> o $665,016 in Federal Stimulus funds for the Energy Efficiency Program in the Special <br /> Grants Fund; <br /> o $489,000 from the Water Pollution Control Plant Enterprise Fund for the acquisition of <br /> property as part of the plant rehabilitation project; <br /> o $112,387 from the Information Technology Internal Service fund to provide funding for <br /> two (2) positions from January 1, 2011 —June 30, 2011 that were not budgeted pending the <br /> outcome of Measure Z; and <br /> o $88,075 from the Shoreline Enterprise Fund to reimburse the State of California for a <br /> cancelled grant. <br /> Staff will continue to monitor the FY 2010 -11 budget and provide the Finance Committee and <br /> City Council with a third quarter performance update in May 2011. <br /> 6 <br />