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DRAFT MINUTES <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council Special Meeting — January 29, 2011 <br />Page 2 <br />they would like to work together as a Council. The Mayor and Councilmembers each <br />responded, which provided a framework for the day, as well as for the upcoming year. There <br />was a general desire to have another retreat in the mid -year. <br />■ Review Current City Council Goals for 2010 -11 <br />Deputy City Manager Jacqui Diaz presented the current year Council goals for 2010 -11. She <br />gave the background on how goals have been developed in the previous years, and that both <br />the Vision Statement and the Goals are an integral part of the budget document. It was stated <br />that the development of the 2011 -12 goals would occur towards the end of the retreat. <br />■ Break <br />The City Council recessed from 10:15 to 10:30 a.m. <br />■ Current and Projected Fiscal Situation <br />Current Financial Situation; Budget Assumptions <br />Finance Director Tracy Vesely presented the update on the current fiscal situation. She <br />provided a handout that showed the current year budget and deficit; she stated that the <br />mid -year budget update would be presented to the Council on February 22 Staff is <br />currently working on the projected 2011 -12 budget with the desire to present a balanced <br />budget to Council. The first estimate shows the budget may have a small deficit and <br />therefore, staff is looking for reduction ideas. However, since it is early in the process <br />and some data is still coming in, this information is preliminary only. She presented the <br />budget calendar. <br />Director Vesely presented the budget assumptions that staff is using in the development <br />of the budget. These include little to no growth overall, and the funds from Measure Z <br />would not be received until August or September. The numbers continue to be very <br />dynamic due to the economy (e.g. permitting fee revenue of estimated vs. actual based <br />on activity). She stated that the budget would be impacted by the state, such as the <br />future of the Redevelopment Agency. The funds from the Kaiser project and the $5 <br />million operational -cash flow ( "emergency" reserve) funds are not included in the <br />reserves for general use. The future of several of the City's funds, such as the Shoreline <br />Fund, is in jeopardy and will continue to be watched. Staff's goal is to continue to <br />strive towards a sustainable budget. <br />Council questioned staff on several issues and asked for information to be brought back <br />to them in the future. This included furlough and cost - sharing amounts; comparing FY <br />2010 -11 and 2011 -12 balances of the non - general fund; the amount in the insurance <br />fund; more information on "other" expenditures and revenues; and more details on what <br />is included in the base budget. They asked for multi -year forecasts and issues to be <br />identified for the other funds (such as the Shoreline Fund) and they asked for <br />information regarding the potential RDA impact to the General Fund (staff and services, <br />programs, housing, etc.) as it becomes available. <br />