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DRAFT MINUTES <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council Special Meeting — January 29, 2011 <br />Page 3 <br />Overview of the Capital Improvement Program [CIP] Process <br />Engineering and Transportation Director Uche Udemezue presented the annual CIP <br />process and timeline. He described the process steps in order to get a CIP project <br />introduced and eventually budgeted and approved by Council. <br />Council asked several questions and indicated that they preferred the full Council have <br />the opportunity to rank the projects. They also suggested that the SLUSD Measure M <br />projects be coordinated with the City's CIP projects, where applicable to have an <br />efficiency of process and coordination of funds, if appropriate. <br />Washington D.C. Priorities <br />City Manager Steve Hollister provided the history of the trip to Washington D.C. and <br />the previous opportunities to request funds to support City projects. While it has been <br />indicated that there are no identified federal funds available, it is recommended that the <br />Council prioritize some projects in order to be prepared while on the trip. Council <br />discussed several projects and asked that staff prepare a list of projects and add this to a <br />Council meeting agenda. Staff agreed to bring them to the February 7 th Council meeting <br />for them to prioritize. <br />■ Executive Team Initiatives <br />Mr. Hollister reported that the department head team had met in late November to develop <br />priorities for the organization to achieve over the next 18 months to two years. The team <br />identified five strategic initiatives and has since divided into committees to identify a work <br />plan for each. The chairperson of each committee briefly presented the concepts to the <br />Council. The initiatives are: Sound Financial Position; Enhance Communication and <br />Relationships with the Community; Employee Development and Recognition; Service <br />Delivery; and City Council /Staff Interaction (presented later in the retreat). <br />The Council asked questions about how the information would be shared within the <br />management and staff, they commented that recognition of employees is important for <br />morale. Mr. Hollister stated that the work being done is in support of the Council goals and <br />that he would keep them informed of the efforts as the work plans are more fully developed. <br />■ Working Lunch <br />Council recessed from 12:00 to 12:15 for lunch. <br />■ Staff and Council Interactions <br />Ms. Streimer and Mr. Hollister introduced the segment to discuss how best to provide <br />information and processes to aid Council and staff. There was a general discussion on the <br />agenda development process and the timeline for placing agenda items ahead on the calendar. <br />It was further discussed if an item should go back to the full Council or sent on to a Council <br />Committee. It was discussed that an effort would be made to move agenda items around on a <br />