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DRAFT MINUTES Page 16 <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — February 7, 2011 <br />B. Presentation on Underground Utility District Master Plan. <br />Mr. Udemezue provided a brief background of the item. Mr. Cooke gave a PowerPoint <br />presentation, providing the history of the Underground Utility District Master Plan; the <br />5 -Year Project List and annual review; describing how projects are identified for <br />inclusion on the list; available funding sources; and the status of the projects on the <br />current 5 -Year Project List. Mr. Cooke stated that staff would provide the Underground <br />Utility District Master Plan document to the Council at a later date. <br />Staff responded to questions from the Council. <br />Vice Mayor Reed pointed out the major traffic problems that were created due to <br />simultaneous constriction work on East 14 Street and Bancroft Avenue, and <br />commented that she would like the City to avoid that type of situation in the future. <br />Councilmember Prola noted that there was no mention of utility undergrounding of <br />Doolittle Drive. Mr. Udemezue commented that there is no funding currently available <br />for undergrounding Doolittle Drive. <br />The City Council recessed from 8:53 to 9:03 p.m. <br />C. Matter of Approval of a Loan Agreement with Non - Profit Affordable Housing <br />Developer Eden Housing Approving Financing to Assist Eden Housing to Assume <br />Ownership of the Affordable Rental Housing Project Located at 15370 Tropic Court <br />(Las Palmas Apartments), and Authorizing the Execution of Documents in Connection <br />with Such Financing (provides financing assistance for assumption of ownership). <br />Community Development Director Luke Sims gave a PowerPoint presentation, <br />providing information on the Las Palmas Apartments; Eden Housing, the current <br />property manager of Las Palmas; the proposed Redevelopment Agency loan to Eden to <br />assume complete ownership of the property; and the benefits to the City and Agency of <br />the proposed actions. <br />• Resolution No. 2011 -018 Resolution of the City Council of the City of San <br />Leandro Approving the Transfer of General Partner and Limited Partner Interests <br />in Las Palmas Development Partners to Affiliates of Eden Housing, Inc., <br />Approving an Amendment to a Regulatory Agreement with Las Palmas <br />Development Partners and Adopting Findings Required by Health and Safety <br />Code Section 33334.2 (approves the assignment of the general partner interest in <br />Las Palmas to Eden Las Palmas to Baywood Apartments, Inc.; the second <br />amendment to the City Regulatory Agreement to extend the term from 15 to 30 <br />years; and related documents). <br />NI/S /C Reed and Prola. Ayes: 7; Noes: 0 <br />