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8B Consent 2011 0222
City Clerk
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2011 0222
8B Consent 2011 0222
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2/17/2011 3:52:28 PM
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2/17/2011 3:52:13 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Draft Minutes
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DRAFT MINUTES Page 18 <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — February 7, 2011 <br />commented that she would like to hear the Police Chief's thoughts about working with <br />the schools. <br />Mayor Cassidy noted that there are no federal earmarks. At the U.S. Conference of <br />Mayors, he became aware of the focus on funding regional projects, such as the East <br />Bay Greenway Project. Mayor Cassidy suggested obtaining printed materials on the <br />project if available, to provide to the Congressional representatives, and asked if there <br />was a way to link the Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan to the East Bay Greenway <br />Project. He suggested starting this process earlier for 2012. <br />Councilmember Prola concurred with Mayor Cassidy's suggestion to start the process <br />earlier, and suggested that the Marina Spine /Bay Trail project be considered for a future <br />regional project. <br />Mr. Hollister received concurrence from the members who were traveling to <br />Washington to schedule Friday and Monday for lobbying efforts. <br />E. Update from City Council Ad Hoc Committee to Develop the City Manager <br />Recruitment Process (reviews the Request for Qualifications and selection process). <br />Mayor Cassidy, as Chair of the ad hoc committee, reported on the release of the Request <br />for Qualifications for executive search firms interested in conducting the City Manager <br />recruitment. The response date is February 14 <br />Councilmember Cutter recalled that the San Leandro School Board performed <br />community outreach during the Superintendent recruitment, and she suggested the <br />Council might also want to consider doing so. Mr. Hollister pointed to Section III of the <br />RFQ, which addresses the community input component. <br />Councilmember Prola expressed interest in allowing the full Council to interview the <br />top four to six candidates. He stated he would like to see the mileage reimbursement <br />eliminated from the employment agreement, to encourage the individual to live in the <br />City. Mr. Hollister stated that two panels would interview the candidates, and based on <br />the interviews, the ad hoc committee and consultant would recommend the top two or <br />three candidates for the Council to interview. <br />Mayor Cassidy suggested that the City Manager selection process be brought back for <br />the Council's consideration and vote at a later date. <br />Mr. Hollister stated that the ad hoc committee will be requested to meet next week to <br />review the responses to the RFQ, and to make their selections for interviews the <br />following week. <br />F. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken <br />No reportable action taken. <br />
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