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AGENDA Page 4 <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting —March 7, 2011 <br />a. Schedule consideration of an ordinance, amending the Code Enforcement <br />hearing process, to change the hearing body from the Board of Zoning <br />Adjustments to an administrative hearing body. <br />C. An Ordinance of the City of San Leandro Repealing Section 6- 1- 430(a)(3) of the San <br />Leandro Municipal Code, and Adopting a New Section 6- 1- 430(a)(3) Permitting the <br />Parking of Recreational Vehicles on Residential Streets upon Request for Exemption <br />(permits the parking of recreational vehicles on residential streets 24 times per year). <br />Pass to print <br />D. Resolution Authorizing the City Manager to File an Application for the Rubberized <br />Asphalt Concrete Grant Program Administered by CalRecycle (provides estimated grant <br />of $81,630 for reimbursement at a rate of $1 per square yard of rubberized material used <br />for chip sealing). <br />E. Matter of Appropriating Funds and Approving Program Supplement Agreement No. <br />017 -N to Administering Agency -State Agreement No. 04 -5041R to Accept Federal <br />Funds for the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)- Downtown Pedestrian Improvement <br />Project, Federal -Aid Project No. ESPL -5041 (036) (provides funding for making the <br />San Leandro BART Station more pedestrian - friendly and increasing vibrancy in the <br />downtown area). <br />• Resolution Appropriating Funds for the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) - <br />Downtown Pedestrian Improvement Project (appropriates $311,563 in grant funds <br />for project design and $1,604,470 in local matching funds for the design and <br />constriction of the subject project). <br />• Resolution Approving Program Supplement Agreement No. 017 -N to <br />Administering Agency -State Agreement No. 04 -5041R to Accept Federal Funds <br />for the Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART)- Downtown Pedestrian Improvement <br />Project, Federal -Aid Project No. ESPL -5041 (036) (accepts $311,563 in federal <br />grant funding and obligates the City to complete the subject project). <br />9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br />10. ACTION ITEMS <br />Public comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker per item, subject to adjustment by the <br />Mayor. <br />