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Legal Description <br /> The land referred to is situated in the County of Alameda, City of San Leandro, State of <br /> California, and is described as follows: <br /> Portion of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block 15, as said lots and block are shown on the Map of <br /> "Tract 704 ", Eden Township, filed May 11, 1945, Map Book 11, Pages 16, 17 and 18, <br /> Alameda County Records, described as follows: <br /> Beginning on the Northeastern line of East 14th Street, as shown on said Map, at the <br /> most Southern corner of said Lot 8; and running thence along said line of East 14th <br /> Street, North 49° West 66.10 feet; thence North 41° East, 135.50 feet; thence North <br /> 49° West, 33.90 feet to the Southeastern line of 148th Avenue, as shown on said Map; <br /> thence along the last named line, North 41° East, 6.50 feet; thence South 49° East , <br /> 33.90 feet; thence North 41° East, 33 feet to the Northeastern line of said Lot 6; thence <br /> along the last named line, South 49° East, 66.10 feet to the Southeastern line of said <br /> Block 15; and thence along the last named line, South 49° West, 175 feet to the point <br /> of beginning. <br /> APN: 077E-1593-008 <br />