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Washington Avenue (APN: 077 -0545- 009 -00), Washington Avenue (APN: 077 - 0545 - 010 -00), <br /> and 135 W. Joaquin Avenue (APN: 077 - 0545 - 015 -00); <br /> WHEREAS, the Property and the terms and conditions for its redevelopment are more <br /> particularly described in a proposed Disposition and Development Agreement (the "DDA "), <br /> copies of which have been provided to the Agency Board and the City Council; <br /> WHEREAS, the pursuant to State CEQA Guidelines Section 15378(6)(4), approval of <br /> the DDAs and the grant deeds, and the transfer of the Property, is not a project subject to the <br /> California Environmental Quality Act ( "CEQA "), because a "project" requiring CEQA review, <br /> is an activity that has the potential for resulting in either a direct or reasonably foreseeable <br /> indirect physical change in the environment, which the approval of agreements and transfer of <br /> property does not; <br /> WHEREAS, the City and/or Agency has already certified Environmental Impact <br /> Reports, or adopted other lawful CEQA review, where applicable, which adequately analyze the <br /> environmental impacts of the some of the activities completed or contemplated for the Property, <br /> as applicable, including the following Environmental Impact Reports and Mitigated Negative <br /> Declarations, each of which is expressly relied upon for this action, pursuant to CEQA <br /> Guidelines Section 15152, and available for review during normal business hours at the City of <br /> San Leandro, City Clerk's Office, 835 E. 14th Street, San Leandro, CA: <br /> General Plan Environmental Impact Report <br /> Redevelopment Plan Environmental Impact Reports <br /> Transit Oriented Development Strategy Environmental Impact Report; <br /> WHEREAS, development of some portions of the Property will be subject to future <br /> CEQA review to the extent that impacts of such development have not already been adequately <br /> analyzed thus far; and <br /> WHEREAS, CRL Sections 33430 and 33432 authorize a redevelopment agency to <br /> transfer property to the City or another public agency. <br /> NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of San <br /> Leandro hereby <br /> 1. Finds that the foregoing Recitals are true and correct and made a part of this Resolution. <br /> 2. Finds that acquisition of the Property in accordance with the DDA will assist in the <br /> elimination of blight in the Project Areas, will further the goals of the Redevelopment <br /> Plans, and will be consistent with the implementation plan adopted in connection <br /> therewith. <br /> 3. Approves the City's acquisition of the Property from the Agency pursuant to the terms <br /> and conditions set forth in the DDA. <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -058 2 <br />