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Code Section 33490, in that they will further the goals and objectives of the Redevelopment <br /> Plan, improve the appearance of the Project Area, eliminate blight, improve access to Project <br /> Area businesses, support economic development, and support the development of affordable <br /> housing; and <br /> WHEREAS, the improvements to be funded pursuant to the Agreement will not generate <br /> cash flow to the City or Agency, and therefore cannot support debt service; the City has no <br /> unrestricted general fund revenue available for such purposes without a reduction in vital <br /> community services; and the City does not have and cannot reasonably obtain revenue available <br /> for such purposes, and therefore no other reasonable means of financing the Project exists. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of San <br /> Leandro that it hereby: <br /> 1. Finds based upon the foregoing recitals and the evidence set forth in the Staff Report, <br /> accompanying this Resolution that: (i) the expenditure of tax increment funds for the public <br /> improvements identified in the Agreement will be of benefit to the Project Area by helping to <br /> eliminate blighting conditions and facilitating the development of low and moderate - income <br /> housing, (ii) no other reasonable means of financing such projects and programs is reasonably <br /> available, and (iii) completion of such projects is consistent with the Redevelopment Plan and <br /> the Implementation Plan adopted in connection therewith. <br /> 2. Finds that the Eden Road project described in Exhibit A to the Agreement is exempt from <br /> CEQA review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15303(d) because it involves the <br /> construction of a limited segment of roadway in an urbanized area. <br /> 3. Approves the Agency's expenditure of tax increment funds in the amounts and for the <br /> purposes specified in the Agreement. <br /> 4. Approves the actions to be undertaken and the work to be performed by the City as <br /> specified in the Agreement. <br /> 5. Authorizes the City Manager to execute the Agreement on behalf of the City substantially <br /> in the form on file with the City Clerk and to undertake such actions and to execute such <br /> additional instruments as may be necessary or desirable in order to carry out the intent of this <br /> Resolution. <br /> 6. Authorizes the City Clerk or designee to file a Notice of Determination and a Notice of <br /> Exemption for the approval of the Agreement with the County Clerk of Alameda County in <br /> conformance with the procedures provided for the filing of such notices in the California <br /> Environmental Quality Act and the CEQA Guidelines <br /> Introduced by City Councilmember Reed and passed and adopted at a meeting of the City <br /> Council of the City of San Leandro on the 7th day of March, 2011. by the following vote: <br /> RESOLUTION NO. 2011 -059 3 <br />