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General Plan Amendments 4 March 21, 2011 <br /> The definition of the Transit Oriented Mixed Use category corresponds to the range of land uses <br /> and development intensities envisioned by the TOD Strategy. The zoning designations that have <br /> been adopted for the TOD area would not be affected. The Amendment would also slightly <br /> change the definition (and mapping) of the "Downtown Mixed Use" category already in the 2002 <br /> General Plan in order to achieve consistency with the TOD Strategy. <br /> In addition, narrative throughout the General Plan would be amended to remove any potential . <br /> inconsistencies with the TOD Strategy. This includes editing the General Plan Introduction to <br /> acknowledge and describe the TOD Strategy, editing the Framework Chapter of the General Plan <br /> to explain the differences between the TOD projections and the General Plan projections, and <br /> editing the Land Use Element to update numeric summaries of land use categories (Table 3 -1), <br /> the zoning consistency matrix (Table 3 -2), and various policies and actions. Policies 6.01 and <br /> 6.10, and Actions 6.10 -A, 6.10 -13. 7.12 -A. and 7.12 -C would all be amended to become <br /> consistent with the TOD Strategy. <br /> In addition. the "Focus Area" narrative for the Downtown BART Station area (p. 89) would be <br /> updated to reflect the TOD Strategy. The full page text box on P. 90 highlighting the Central <br /> San Leandro/ BART Station revitalization study would be deleted and replaced with a new full <br /> page text box highlighting the TOD Strategy. The '`Focus Area" narrative for the San Leandro <br /> Boulevard corridor also would be amended, and references to the older industrial area between <br /> Williams Street and Marina (along Alvarado Street) would be edited for consistency with the <br /> TOD Strategy. <br /> Finallv, edits to the Transportation and Environmental Hazards Elements of the General Plan <br /> would be made. The Transportation edits address provisions for bicycles, traffic forecasts, and <br /> minimum density to achieve consistency with the TOD Strategy. The Environmental Hazards <br /> edit would acknowledge that the TOD Strategy included its own assessment of noise impacts <br /> since it had a different horizon year than the General Plan. Readers would be advised to consult <br /> both the TOD EIR and General Plan EIR when considering future noise conditions in this area. <br /> The changes itemized above will have no environmental impacts beyond those already evaluated <br /> by the San Leandro General Plan EIR and the TOD Strategy EIR. <br /> Table 1 (on page 6) indicates the net change in acreage for each General Plan Land Use Category <br /> resulting from the consistency amendments. Approximately 160 acres will receive the new <br /> "Transit Oriented Mixed Use" designation. <br /> Figure 1 (page following) shows the geographic extent of the map changes, indicating the <br /> existing and proposed General Plan designation for 22 different areas. <br />