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2.08.010 <br /> Chapter 2.08 and any reduction in the total number of indi- <br /> PARTICIPATION BY OWNERS AND vidual parcels in the project area. (Ord. 93 -012 <br /> TENANTS § 406, 1993) <br /> Sections: <br /> 2.08.010 Owner and tenant 2.08.020 Participation agreements. <br /> participation. The agency may enter into a binding agree - <br /> 2.08.020 Participation agreements. ment with each person desiring to participate in <br /> 2.08.030 Certificate of redevelopment pursuant to the redevelopment <br /> conformance. plan by which the participant agrees to rehabili- <br /> tate, develop or use the property in confor- <br /> 2.08.010 Owner and tenant mance with the plan and be subject to the pro - <br /> participation. visions hereof and such other provisions and <br /> As provided for in Sections 33339 and conditions to which the parties may agree. In <br /> 33339.5 of the California Health and Safety the agreement, whenever it is appropriate to do <br /> Code, the agency shall extend a reasonable op- so, participants who retain real property shall <br /> portunity to the present owners in the project be required to join in the recordation of such <br /> area, to participate in the redevelopment of the documents as are necessary to make the provi- <br /> project area if they otherwise meet the re- sions of this plan applicable to their properties. <br /> quirements prescribed by this plan and the rules In the event a participant breaches the terms of <br /> governing participation promulgated by the an owner participation agreement, the agency <br /> agency, which rules may be amended from shall declare the agreement terminated and may <br /> time to time. The agency shall further extend acquire the real property of any interest herein. <br /> reasonable preference to persons who are en- In the event that the agency is not directly in- <br /> gaged in businesses in the project area to re- volved in the development of a particular prop - <br /> enter in business within the redeveloped area if erty a participation agreement shall not be re- <br /> they otherwise meet the requirements pre- quired. The determination of whether or not a <br /> scribed by this plan and as maybe from time to participation agreement is beneficial to the im- <br /> time be promulgated by the agency. plementation of the redevelopment plan shall <br /> The agency desires participation in redevel- be made by the executive director of the agency <br /> opment by as many owners and business ten- or his/her designated representative whose de- <br /> ants as reasonably feasible. However, participa- cision, subject to an appeal to the agency board, <br /> tion opportunities shall necessarily be subject shall be final. For potential agreements in the <br /> to and limited by such factors as the expansion unincorporated sections of the project area, the <br /> of public facilities; elimination and changing of county must consider and approve such agree - <br /> land uses; realignment of streets; the ability of ments prior to any determination by the <br /> the agency and /or owners to finance acquisition <br /> and redevelopment in accordance with this <br /> plan; development experience, assembly and <br /> redevelopment of areas for public and/or pri- <br /> vate development in accordance with this plan; <br /> 68-1 (San Leandro Redevelopment Agency 9 -02) <br />