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Exhibit A <br /> The land described herein is situated in the State of California, County of Alameda, <br /> City of San Leandro, and is described as follows: <br /> A portion of Lot 9, as said lot is shown upon Map entitled "Map of the Coelho <br /> Tract Eden TP., Alameda Co., California ", filed December 11, 1899, in Book 15 of <br /> Maps, at Page 100, in the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, and <br /> Also a portion of that certain 0.20 acre parcel of land described in Deed to John <br /> Charles Lavin, dated January 22, 1902 and recorded January 23, 1902 in Book 821 <br /> of Deeds, at Page 191, in the Office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, <br /> described as follows: <br /> Beginning at the Point of Intersection of the southwestern line of East 14 Street, <br /> as said street is described in Deed to County of Alameda, dated June 7, 1929 and <br /> recorded October 31, 1929, in Book 240 of Official Records, at Page 191, in the <br /> Office of the County Recorder of Alameda County, with the northern boundary <br /> line of Lot 9, as said lot is shown on said Map, thence south 49 degrees 00 minutes <br /> east along the southwestem line of East 14 Street 19.41 feet; thence leaving said <br /> line of East 14 Street southeasterly, southerly and southwesterly on the arc of a <br /> curve to the right, tangent to the last said course, the radius of which curve is 12.00 <br /> feet, a distance on said arc of 22.01 feet; thence south 56 degrees 04 minutes 20 <br /> seconds west 89.74 feet; thence southwesterly, westerly and northwesterly on the <br /> arc of a curve to the right, tangent to the last said course, the radius of which curve <br /> is 20.00 feet, a distance on said arc of 43.11 feet to a point on the eastern line of <br /> the county road leading from San Lorenzo to San Leandro, also known as <br /> Telegraph Road; thence north 0 degrees 26 minutes west along the said line of <br /> Telegraph Road 145.35 feet, more or less, to a point on the said southwestern line <br /> of East 14 Street; thence south 49 degrees 00 minutes east along the said line of <br /> East 14 Street 123.72 feet to the Point of Beginning. <br /> APN: 077D -1499 -001 <br />