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1.12.010 <br /> Chapter 1.12 sculptures, benches, bus shelters and <br /> decorative paving. <br /> IMPROVEMENTS C. Provision shall be made for a gradual <br /> transition from primary dependence on private <br /> Sections: transportation to primary dependence on <br /> 1.12.010 General. public transportation as a means of access to <br /> 1.12.020 Parking facilities. and departure from the project area. These <br /> 1.12.030 Pedestrian access. provisions shall include planned flexibility in <br /> 1.12.040 Traffic improvements. public and private construction to <br /> 1.12.050 Bicycle access. accommodate later the addition of a transit <br /> link project rd h B <br /> 1.12.010 General. • Area between Rapid Transit the pr Station a at Davis <br /> Street te and ay <br /> A. The Plaza 1 redevelopment project San Leandro Boulevard. <br /> includes the construction of certain private D. The agency may, as it deems necessary <br /> and public improvements and the acquisition to carry out this plan and subject to the <br /> of property necessary therefor. Plaza 1 consent of .the city council and the <br /> redevelopment project includes the renovation determinations to be made under Heath and <br /> and rehabilitation of existing privately owned Safety Code Section 33445, pay all or part of <br /> structures in accordance. with the owner- the value of the land for and the cost or <br /> participation provisions hereinafter set forth. installation and construction of such <br /> B. Plaza I provides for the construction of buildings, facilities, structures, street <br /> the following specific public improvements widenings or other improvements identified in <br /> under the financing program set forth in this chapter which are publicly owned, either . <br /> Chapter 1.16: within or outside the project area, at such <br /> I. Improvement and maintenance of locations as determined by the agency in <br /> public areas; implementing plan. <br /> 2.• Widening of East 14 Street and E. When the value of such land or the cost <br /> restriction of vehicular traffic on portions of of the installation and construction of such <br /> Washington Avenue, West Estudillo Avenue building, facility, structure or other <br /> and West Joaquin Avenue; improvement, or both, has been or will be <br /> 3. Public plazas; paid for initially by the city or other public <br /> 4. Pedestrian malls. including widening corporation, the agency may enter into a <br /> on the north side of the mall in the block contract with the city or other public <br /> bounded by West Estudillo Avenue, East 14 • corporation under which it agrees to <br /> Street. Washington Avenue, and West Joaquin reimburse the city or other public corporation <br /> Avenue: for all or part of the value of such land or all <br /> 5. Landscaping and lighting of pedestrian or part of the cost of such building, facility, • <br /> areas and parking areas; installation of public structure or other improvement, or both, by <br /> amenities. including kiosks, fountains, lump sum, partial or periodic payment over a <br /> period of years. <br /> 11 <br />