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• <br /> • <br /> 1.16.010 <br /> Chapter 1.16 redevelopment project as shown upon the . <br /> assessment roll used in connection v'ith the <br /> FINANCING taxation of such property by such taxing <br /> agency, last equalized prior to the effective • <br /> Sections: date of such ordinance, shall be allocated to <br /> 1.16.010 General. and when collected shall be paid to the <br /> 1.16.020 Tax increments. respective taxing agencies as taxes by or for <br /> 1.16.030 Bonds advances and said taxing agencies on all other property are <br /> indebtedness. paid (for the purpose of allocating taxes levied <br /> by or for any taxing agency or agencies which <br /> 1.16.010 General. did not include the territory of the project on • <br /> The agency is authorized to finance this the effective date of such ordinance but to <br /> project with financial assistance from the city, which such territory is annexed or otherwise <br /> state, federal government of the United States included after such effective date, the <br /> of America, property tax increments, special assessment roll last equalized on the effective <br /> assessment districts, donations, interest date of said ordinance shall be used in <br /> income, agency bonds, loans from private determining the assessed valuation of the <br /> financial institutions, the lease of agency- taxable property in the project on said <br /> owned property, sale of agency -owned effective date) and; <br /> property and/or any other available source. 2. That portion of said levied taxes each <br /> (33600, 33601) (Plaza 1 redev. plan § 10(A), year in excess of such amount shall be <br /> 1986) allocated to and when collected shall be paid <br /> into a special fund of the agency to pay the <br /> 1.16.020 Tax increments. principal of and interest on bonds, loans. <br /> A. All taxes levied upon taxable property monies advanced to, or indebtedness (whether <br /> within the project area each year by or for the funded, refunded, assumed or otherwise) <br /> benefit of the state, county, city any district or incurred by the agency to finance or refinance, <br /> other public corporation (hereinafter in whole or in part, this redevelopment <br /> sometimes called "taxing agencies ") after the project. Unless and until the total assessed <br /> effective date of the ordinance by which a value of the taxable property in the project <br /> redevelopment plan was established for the <br /> exceeds the total assessed value of the taxable <br /> areas set forth in said ordinance and until such property in the project as shown by the last <br /> time as all indebtedness created pursuant to equalized assessment roll referred to in <br /> Section 1.16.030 of this chapter has been paid, subsection (A)(1) of this section, all of the <br /> shall be divided as follows: taxes levied and collected upon the taxable <br /> 1. That portion of the taxes which would property in the project shall be paid to the <br /> • <br /> be produced by the rate upon which the tax is respective taxing agencies. When such bonds, <br /> levied each year by or for each of said taxing loans, advances and indebtedness, if any, and <br /> agencies upon the total sum of the assessed <br /> interest thereon, have been paid. all monies <br /> value of the taxable property in the thereafter received from taxes upon the <br /> taxable property in the project shall be paid to <br /> 14 <br />