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8B Consent 2011 0418
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Packet 2011 0418
8B Consent 2011 0418
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4/22/2011 1:03:43 PM
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4/14/2011 5:23:39 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Draft Minutes
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DRAFT MINUTES Page 4 <br />Cite of San Leandro Cite Council and San Leandro Redevelopment Agency Joint Meeting — April 4, 2011 <br />Rainee McGrew, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that it is <br />unacceptable to ask residents to remove functioning laterals and put in new ones. <br />Shelley Martin, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, conceding her allotted <br />time to other speakers. <br />Stefan Mueller, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that a main <br />sewer is a major infrastructure and a responsibility of the City. <br />George Teebay, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting on the lack <br />of communications to the public and discussion with the neighborhood residents regarding the <br />sewer lateral connection policy change. <br />Paul Goodfader, cab driver, addressed the City Council, urging the City Council to raise the <br />taxi meter rates. <br />Peggy Gray, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that she <br />moved to the City expecting the sewer lines to be maintained. <br />Felix Cruz, San Leandro resident, addressed the City Council, commenting that it is wrong <br />for the City to attempt to reclassify infrastructure such as public sewer lines as private <br />property. <br />Vice Mayor Reed announced that there would be an update on sewer relocation under Action <br />Items, and that the few individuals who submitted speaker cards relating to the sewer issue <br />would be called to speak under Item 10.C. <br />6. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS <br />Addressing the comments made by Mr. Goodfader, City Manager Steve Hollister commented <br />that he had received a similar request from another individual and referred the matter to the <br />Finance and Police Departments, and that he would follow up on the matter. <br />7. AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR <br />City Councilmembers or staff have an opportunity at this time to request that an item be <br />removed from the Consent Calendar for the presentation of a staff report or other special <br />consideration. Members of the Public may request the opportunity to address the City <br />Council regarding items remaining on the Consent Calendar by filling out a speaker card and <br />submitting it to the City Clerk prior to the calling of Item 7, Amendment of Consent <br />Calendar. Items remaining on the Consent Calendar will be considered for approval under <br />one motion. <br />
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