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SR2S Agreement 2 April 18, 2011 <br /> Analysis <br /> The intersection of Bancroft Avenue and 136 Avenue is a four -way stop - controlled intersection <br /> on a route connecting the San Leandro High School Main Campus and the new 9 Grade <br /> Campus that opened in the Fall of 2010. <br /> The intersection of Bancroft Avenue and 136 Avenue is the main intersection near the school. <br /> It is the primary approach location for students from the south and west. A busy bus stop on East <br /> 14 Street requires students to pass through this intersection to reach the school. The addition of <br /> the new 9 Grade Campus increased the number of students crossing the intersection during <br /> school hours. These factors created a hazardous condition for pedestrians. A high number of <br /> pedestrians and vehicles converge on this location at the same time. Without an assigned right - <br /> of -way signal, the intersection is dangerous to cross. <br /> Based on the complaints received and Staff's observations, excessive delays and vehicle - <br /> pedestrian conflicts at the intersection during school commuting hours require attention. <br /> However, since Bancroft Avenue is classified as a residential arterial, the tools adopted by the <br /> City's Neighborhood Traffic Calming Program are not applicable. Staff determined that a traffic <br /> signal would be a valuable and effective device to control automobile, bicycle, and pedestrian <br /> traffic. Based on Staff's belief that a traffic signal is the best alternative to improve pedestrian <br /> and bicycle safety at this intersection, we applied for this grant. <br /> This grant will provide funding to construct a new traffic signal with bicycle detection and <br /> scrambled pedestrian signal phasing, signing, striping, and curb ramps. In addition, the funds <br /> will provide for administration of a traffic safety education program and increased police <br /> enforcement. <br /> Applicable General Plan Policy <br /> • Policy 14.03 — Funding: Aggressively pursue state and federal funding for bicycle and <br /> pedestrian improvements, while also including funding for bicycle and pedestrian <br /> improvements in the City's Capital Improvement Program <br /> • Policy 14.07 — Pedestrian Environment: Strive to achieve a more comfortable environment <br /> for pedestrians in all areas of San Leandro, with particular emphasis on the BART station <br /> areas, downtown, and major commercial thoroughfares such as East 14 Street <br /> • Action 14.07B— Pedestrian and Bicycle Crossing Improvements: Improve crossings for <br /> pedestrians and cyclists at intersections in the city through the use of brick pavers, small curb <br /> radii, bulb outs, street trees and landscaping near comers, and other measures that shorten <br /> pedestrian crossings or increase driver awareness of non - vehicle traffic. Continue to <br /> implement the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) standards and remove mobility <br /> barriers for persons with disabilities <br /> • Policy 16.03 — Maintenance: Regularly maintain city streets and traffic control devices to <br /> ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently <br />