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10A Action 2011 0418 Supplement
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2011 0418
10A Action 2011 0418 Supplement
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4/15/2011 1:23:49 PM
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4/15/2011 1:23:46 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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additional consecutive and automatic two (2) year time periods (the "Renewal Term ") <br /> following the expiration of the Initial Term. The Customer may exercise the right to extend <br /> the Term of this Agreement by providing written notice to Redflex not less than thirty (30) <br /> days prior to the last day of the Initial Term or the Renewal Term as the case may be. <br /> TERM FOR INSTALLED CAMERAS RELATED TO NEWLY CONSTRUCTED <br /> DESIGNATED APPROACHES. Each and every installed camera related to a "Newly <br /> Constructed Designated Intersection Approach ", as defined in this paragraph, shall have a <br /> separate, distinct and independent five (5) year term ( "Camera Term ") commencing as of the <br /> date of the first "Authorized Violation" therefrom and continuing for a period of five (5) <br /> years thereafter (the "Initial Camera Term "), in addition to any part or portion of the eight <br /> (8) year Initial Term remaining as set forth in section "2. Term" above. The Customer shall <br /> have the right, but not the obligation, to extend the Initial Camera Term of each and every <br /> installed camera related to a Newly Constructed Designated Intersection Approach for up to <br /> two (2) additional consecutive and automatic two (2) year time periods (a "Renewal Camera <br /> Term ") following the expiration of the Initial Camera Term or Renewal Camera Term. The <br /> Customer may exercise the right to extend the Term of this Agreement by providing written <br /> notice to Redflex not less than (30) days prior to the last day of the Initial Camera Term <br /> and/or the Renewal Camera Term as the case may be. "Newly Constructed Designated <br /> Intersection Approach" means any Intersection Approach, as defined in section 1.5 herein, <br /> that is constructed after the execution date of this Agreement. <br /> 3. ROAD REPAIRS AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS. The operation of an installed <br /> camera shall be temporarily suspended as a result of any Customer- authorized road repairs, <br /> street improvements or stop work order that interrupts, impedes, obstructs or interferes with <br /> the successful performance of the installed camera for a period of seven (7) or more <br /> calendar days. <br /> 4. SERVICES. Redflex shall provide the Program to the Customer, in each case in accordance <br /> with the terms and provisions set forth in this Agreement. <br /> 4.1. INSTALLATION. With respect to the construction and installation of (1) the Designated <br /> Intersection Approaches and the installation of the Redflex System at such Designated <br /> Intersection Approaches, the Customer and Redflex shall have the respective rights and <br /> obligations set forth on Exhibit B attached hereto. <br /> 4.2. MAINTENANCE. With respect to the maintenance of the Redflex System at the <br /> Designated Intersection Approaches the Customer and Redflex shall have the respective <br /> rights and obligations set forth on Exhibit C attached hereto. <br /> 4.3. VIOLATION PROCESSING. During the Operational Period, Violations shall be <br /> processed as follows: <br /> 4:3.1. All Violations Data shall be stored on the Redflex System; <br /> 4.3.2. The Redflex System shall process Violations Data gathered from the Designated <br /> Intersection Approaches into a format capable of review by the Authorized <br /> Employee via the Redflex System; <br /> 4.3.3. The Redflex System will be accessible by Authorized Staff through a secure and <br /> encrypted connection by use of a confidential user account on a computer equipped <br /> with a high -speed Internet connection and an approved web browser. <br /> 4.3.4. Redflex shall provide the Authorized Employee with access to the Redflex <br /> System for the purposes of reviewing the pre - processed Violations Data within six <br /> (6) days of the gathering of the Violation Data from the applicable Designated <br /> Intersection Approaches. <br /> 5 <br />
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