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• <br /> 1.04.060 <br /> said general plan. This redevelopment plan All such agency property shall be disposed <br /> provides for the implementation of those of in accordance with the provisions and <br /> sections of the general plan dealing with objectives of this plan. The sale. lease or <br /> circulation and land use within the project conveyance by agreement of agency property <br /> area. (33331) (Plaza 1 redev. plan § 6, 1986) shall include provisions for the retention of <br /> controls, and the establishment of any <br /> 1.04.060 Nondiscrimination. restrictions or covenants running with the land <br /> Every deed, lease, or contract for the sale, sold, leased or conveyed for private use for <br /> lease, sublease or other transfer of land to such periods of time and under such <br /> which the agency is a party in the conditions as the agency deems necessary to <br /> redevelopment project shall contain the carry out this plan. <br /> nondiscrimination clauses prescribed by the C. City Participation. The city may <br /> California Community Redevelopment Law. expend funds to undertake and complete any <br /> (33337, 33436) (Plaza 1 redev. plan § 7, 1986) proceedings necessary to carry out the project. <br /> (33343, 33344) <br /> 11.04.070 Relocation. D. Payments to Other Taxing Agencies. In <br /> any year during which it owns property in the <br /> Residences and businesses displaced from project area, the agency is authorized. but not <br /> locations Plaza I, where such displacements <br /> required, to pay directly to any city. county. <br /> are caused by activities associated with Plaza <br /> city and county, district, including. but not <br /> 1, will be assisted in accordance with the limited to, a school district. or other public <br /> provisions of the California Uniform corporation for whose benefit a tax would <br /> Relocation Assistance Act and guidelines <br /> have been levied upon such property had it <br /> therefor as adopted by the redevelopment <br /> agency. (Plaza 1 redev. plan § 8. 1986) not been exempt, an amount of money in lieu <br /> of taxes. <br /> A proportionate share of any amount of <br /> 1.04.080 Miscellaneous. money paid by the agency w any city and <br /> A. Acquisition of Property. The agency county pursuant to the preceding paragraph <br /> may acquire by gift, purchase, lease or shall be disbursed by the city and county to <br /> condemnation any part of the real property in any school district with territory located <br /> the project area. (33342) within the project area in the city and county. <br /> Any eminent domain proceedings to "Proportionate share." as used in this section. <br /> acquire property within the project area shall means the ratio of the school distinct tax rate, <br /> be commenced not later than twelve (12) which is included in the total tax rate of the <br /> years from the date of adoption of Ordinance city and county. to the total tax rate of the city <br /> No. S6 -03S. adopted December 15. 1956. and county. <br /> ( 3 3. 4 1 3 1) The agency may also pay for any taxing <br /> B. ° Disposal of Agency Land. The agency agency with territory located within the <br /> shall dispose of all land acquired by it through project area (other than the city) any amounts <br /> sale or lease. except property conveyed by the of money which in the agency's determination <br /> agency, to the city of San Leandro. (3333-i) are appropriate to alleviate any financial <br /> 6 <br />