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• <br /> 1.12.020 <br /> F. The obligation of the agency, under 3. Arcades, fountains, benches, landscap- <br /> such contract, shall constitute an indebtedness ing and other amenities on principal sidewalks <br /> of the agency for the purpose of carrying out wherever they exist; <br /> the redevelopment of the project area, which 4. Public crossblock malls to connect off - <br /> indebtedness may be made payable out of street parking areas to commercial frontages; <br /> taxes levied in the project area and allocated 5. Major public malls, plazas and other • <br /> to the agency under subdivision (b) of Section landscaped open spaces associated with new <br /> 33670 of the Health and Safety Code or out of commercial developments; <br /> any other available funds. 6. Provision for safe, convenient, and <br /> G. In a case where such land has been or unassisted movement of physically handi- <br /> will be acquired by, or the cost of the capped persons. <br /> installation and construction of such building, B. All buildings with direct access to an <br /> facility, structure or other improvements has off - street parking area will be required to <br /> been paid by, a parking authority, joint powers provide private customer and employee <br /> entity or other public corporation to provide a entrances to said parking area in conjunction <br /> building, facility, structure or other with private rehabilitation work. <br /> improvement which has been, or will be, C. The agency may grant an exception to <br /> leased to the city, such contract may be made this provision if the property owner or <br /> with, and such reimbursement may be made occupant demonstrates that compliance with <br /> payable to the city. (333445) (Plaza 1 redev. the requirement would result in extreme <br /> plan § 9(A), 1986) difficulty and unnecessary hardship to the <br /> owner or lessee and would fail to service the <br /> 1.12.020 Parking facilities. purposes of this section. <br /> This project will create new public off- D. The emphasis on better pedestrian <br /> street parking spaces located in the areas of access will be on appearance as well as <br /> greatest need in the project area. The locations convenience. The specific objective is the <br /> of these parking areas are as indicated on creation of a pleasant pedestrian environment <br /> Exhibit 1.08.010. (Plaza 1 redev. plan § 9(B), separate and distinct, to the greatest extent <br /> 1986) possible, from automobile and truck traffic. <br /> E. The locations of pedestrian malls, <br /> 1.12.030 Pedestrian access. plazas and public open spaces are as indicated <br /> on Exhibit 1.08.010. (Plaza 1 redev. plan § <br /> A. Improved pedestrian circulation access 9(C), 1986) <br /> involves six types of public improvements: <br /> 1. Public sidewalks and plazas to the rear <br /> 1.12.040 Traffic improvements. <br /> of existing commercial blocks and adjacent to <br /> off - street parking areas; This project provides for the widening of <br /> 2. Public sidewalks adjacent to public portions of East 14'" Street and the <br /> streets; modification of portions of West Estudillo <br /> Avenue, West Joaquin Avenue, Hays Street <br /> and Washington Avenue. Provisions will be <br /> 12 <br />