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SAN LEANDRO ADMINISTRATIVE CODE FINANCE <br /> TITLE 0, Chapter 4 FISCAL YEAR 2012 PROPOSED FEES <br /> § 0.4.100: FEES. The following lees have been established by the City Council pursuant to venous provisions of the San Leandro Municipal Coda (SLMC), San Leandro Administrative Codo (SLAC) or the general laws of the State of California. <br /> Description 1 Current Feo 'Reference FY 201142 Proposod FOes <br /> COMMUNITY. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - Building Regulations Division <br /> 1 Plans and Specifications See Engineering 8 Transportation Osparurcm Item 7. Pudic Work Projecn I <br /> 2 Building Pemdt 1 <br /> NOTE: FEES FOR BUILDING PERMITS AND TERMITE REPAIR WORK DO NOT INCLUDE THE STRONG MOTION (EARTHQUAKE) INSTRUMENTATION PROGRAM (S.M.I.P.) <br /> A. Filing and Issuance Foo 587 plus valuation fees and/or outer bulking fees as listed below 588.00 Based on CPI <br /> Re -la ma Foe for each resutxnittal. deferred submittal. and/or revision after the 1st 50% of Fl8 g and Issuance Fee per occurrence <br /> rosub 11ttal , or upon the 2nd ros bmitlal for plan check on the same project <br /> Minimum fee for one inspection Included m Po Issue and Fong Fee <br /> Bumag Permits requiring more than one inspection, other than for those requiring 5132.00 8134.00 Based on CPI <br /> return inspections for corrections from a previous inspection, have a minimum foe of. <br /> AS- Ilduslve Pemeti Work involving a combination of building and/or mechanical, One filing and issuance fee plus Items from respective lee tables <br /> electrical and plumbing. with a value of less than $3,000: <br /> Residential Seismic Retrofit projects using 'Planed A' (for ono and two family 575.00 plus Filing and Issuance Fee an0 otter miscellaneous lees <br /> residences) <br /> Permits involving plan check, impactions. and verification per OSHPD3 requirements. 125% of normal Building Permit Fee. Plan check foe shall be calculated <br /> based On this increased fee. <br /> New Commercial/Industrial Buildings 10,000 sq. 0. or mato (a0ddional time for plan 125% of standard Building Permit Foo <br /> review, inspections. and venacOtion of coda requirements) <br /> Thar 1 Certification (ar7di1On81taro for pan review. inspections, and ve01Kat100 of 0000 130% of sandero Building Pembt Fee <br /> requirements) <br /> Tim 2 Certification (additional time for pan re inspections. and venficatgn of code 135% of standard Building Pemut Fee <br /> requirements) <br /> (Note: P10 Building Otti ial may adjust the pan Checking/0=1d foe for an individual project when costs to the City are not congruent with this foe schedule.) <br /> Teal Valuation: (Based on total valor of as conduction want, es eeterrrined by the Building <br /> Official, including al finish non. moanig, electrical. plumbing. healing, al conditioning, elevators. <br /> fie- actugoOninp systems and any other pammmmt eRWWmem.) <br /> From To and Inoludka <br /> 51.00 - 54.030 513200 S 134.00 5134.00 Based on CPI <br /> 54,001.00.550.000.00 8132.00 1,8 Ina first $4,000.00 dies 813,001,8 oo1 additional 51.000 or 134.00 13.20 for... <br /> fraction thereof, to and including 550.000 <br /> 550,001.004 100,000 00 5730 00 the first 550,000 plus 59.10 for each additional 51.000 or traction 740.00 9.25 for... <br /> thereof, to and including 5100,000.00 <br /> $100,001.00- $500,OOD.D0 31,1115.00 for the first 5100,000 plus 55,20 4,8 each additional 51.000 or 1202.00 5.27 for... <br /> traction thereof. to and including 5500,000 00 <br /> $500,001.00 - 51,000,000.00 53.205 0010, Iho lint 5500000 plus 54.90 for each additional 51000 Or 3311.00 4.97 for... <br /> traction aonol, to and including <br /> 51,000,001.00 and up 55,715 00 for the lest 11,000,000 plus 54.05 for each additional 51,000,8 5795.00 4.15 err... <br /> traction thare0l, to ord inducting 51.000000 00 <br /> B. Termite Repair Work 587.00 plus town valuation as listed above 588.00 Based on CPI <br /> 50.00 - 53.000 5132.00 5134.00 Based on CPl <br /> Over 53.000 Same as for other adding permits. minimum of S 132.00 ...minimum 04134.00 <br /> 01B000ET2011.121Feaa12012 Aopoead Fees Macau SoloO/a. nu 9 412112011 <br />