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Additional Required Contributions for ACAP Wind -Down 2 <br /> • On February 18, 2011, the Governing Board voted to notify subcontractors to cease <br /> operations and to notify State agencies of ACAP's fiscal situation. <br /> • On March 3, 2011, ACAP laid off all but three employees who would be needed to assist <br /> in the wind -down of ACAP's operations. <br /> • On March 9, 2011, ACAP's Goveming Board voted to de- designate ACAP as a <br /> Community Action Agency. This action means that other service providers could apply <br /> for grant funds which had been previously received by ACAP. <br /> • On March 23, 2011, the Governing Board appointed Management Partners, Inc. effective <br /> March 26, 2011 to serve as the administrator for winding down the activities and meeting <br /> the obligations of ACAP with a goal of completing the wind -down process in 90 days. <br /> These services will be provided by Senior Manager Richard Ambrose, with compensation <br /> for services to be provided by the member agencies. The Goveming Board granted <br /> authority to Management Partners and Richard Ambrose " determine, engage, hire, <br /> supervise, contract with and/or terminate any and all resources, and to execute any <br /> agreements with other agencies, organizations, funders, sponsors, sub - contractors, <br /> vendors, and creditors of ACAP for the purpose of winding down the operations of the <br /> Agency and transferring its obligations to entities that fulfill ACAP's obligations." The <br /> Governing Board also agreed that an ad hoc committee of the Alameda County City <br /> Managers' Association would provide direction to Management Partners and Richard <br /> Ambrose for the wind -down. The ad -hoc committee consists of the City Managers of <br /> Dublin and Hayward, with City Attorney representation from Dublin, Hayward, and <br /> Livermore. The City of Dublin agreed to serve as the fiscal agent for ACAP's member <br /> agencies during the wind -down process, including properly invoicing each member. <br /> During the first three weeks of Management Partners' engagement, a preliminary plan was <br /> developed which identified and prioritized the work to be accomplished. This plan was <br /> discussed .with, and approved by, the City Managers of the member agencies on April 20, 2011. <br /> The major categories of work to be accomplished include: • <br /> 1) Identify roles /responsibilities of the Governing Board and the Community Advisory <br /> Board in the wind -down process. <br /> 2) Prepare a communications plan <br /> 3) Assess operational needs to successfully wind -down ACAP <br /> 4) Organize and determine the future disposition of files and records <br /> 5) Inventory and dispose of all ACAP property <br /> 6) Terminate leases and vacate buildings occupied by ACAP <br />